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Calls with wrong, little or no information

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It seems like there are a lot of calls where the callers don't provide, and apparently aren't asked for, critical information.

Just some examples (most are police calls)

- Erratic Operator calls with an unknown vehicle description, unknown license plate, and unknown direction of travel

- Suspicious Person calls with unknown description, unknown direction of travel, and half of the time unknown reason as to why they are suspicious (ie. suspicious male walking on the sidewalk near the callers house carrying a shopping bag- ACTUAL CALL to a city PD)

- MVA's called in first or second party with unknown number of vehicles and unknown what type of MVA

When calls like this happen, do you think that it is more the case that the caller doesn't provide the information, or is it that the call taker doesn't ask for it, and what do you think can be done to correct it?

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It seems like there are a lot of calls where the callers don't provide, and apparently aren't asked for, critical information.

Just some examples (most are police calls)

- Erratic Operator calls with an unknown vehicle description, unknown license plate, and unknown direction of travel

- Suspicious Person calls with unknown description, unknown direction of travel, and half of the time unknown reason as to why they are suspicious (ie. suspicious male walking on the sidewalk near the callers house carrying a shopping bag- ACTUAL CALL to a city PD)

- MVA's called in first or second party with unknown number of vehicles and unknown what type of MVA

When calls like this happen, do you think that it is more the case that the caller doesn't provide the information, or is it that the call taker doesn't ask for it, and what do you think can be done to correct it?

I think you're putting too much of the blame on the call-takers. Very often the callers don't know what direction a car is going and provide sketchy details about descriptions/plate info/etc. I've heard people queried "well, what's he doing that's suspicious" and they're told, "I don't know he just is". Not a lot to go on. Factor in hysteria, language barriers, multiple 911 lines ringing, etc. and that's why you're not getting more.

Conversely there are cases where much more information could be obtained but because of apathy, complacency, inadequate training, inadequate supervision, or a combination of these factors, call-takers simply fail to ask the right questions.

What can be done about it? Hmmm... Require the public to have common sense, be literate, carry a compass at all times, have instant recognition training on the make/model of all current vehicles, and communications skills so they effectively relay the information to the call-taker who will be adequately trained and supervised, compensated fairly for the importance of their job, and highly motivated. [/sarcasm]

Before you blame the call-takers, spend a few tours in their shoes.

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I think that it has to do with several variables:

Erratic operator: Caller has bad eyesight, frantic, not familiar with the area, trying to give the erratic operator some room to avoid any unpredicted actions, or the person could be in front of the erratic and not be able to see the license plate (could be no front plate).

Suspicious person: Caller again bad eyes, elderly, not familiar with the area just would like police to check out, person just doesnt seem like they belong, time of day, distance and objects between the caller and the suspicious person (ie. woods, long driveway) This person may be in a place where no one ever is (nothig wrong with that just seems unusual)

MVAs: Caller could be traveling at a fast speed and drives past the accident without seeing much, caller could be frantic, unfamiliar with the area, callers could be on cell phone and loose connection and service.

This is just some stuff, you also get more calls with the see something say something motto. A big part about it is the lack of knowledge or common sense that the caller has, i dont think there is much that can be done in order to fix this, you cant go around giving out flyers only call if you have all this information. Its more of a caller than a dispatcher thing.

Edited by mreis95

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More times than not it is the reporting party...I have my EMTs and Medics call on the radio and state notify CHP of an accident northbound I(insert number) indication of center divide or right shoulder/lane, number of vehicles or any other info I know their dispatcher is going to ask...also they'll tell me "we need PD/Sheriff" and go off the air...

when PD/Sheriff dispatch gives a call to fire dispatch on a request from one of their officers, almost every time they almost no info as to what we're sending on...

I won't even get into call taking from the public...

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For many of us who run into issues with call information whether it be from initial dispatch or when requesting additional information when on scene or attempting to find the actual scene or person in the area, the problem isn't the caller, nor those I rely on to give me information and to send me it...its the 911 system where my dispatch often doesn't get to even speak to the caller as they calls are often not transferred.

As far as some of the examples you state...some people have a knack for calling in things as they have nothing better to do and don't give info or can't. Or its a cell phone call and they have no true clue where they are on a particular road if there is no sign close as they have no situational awareness...if they even know the road they are. As far as how many vehicles...I don't often get that info, and to be honest how many makes no impact on me as I still have to size up the situation as I arrive anyway.

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