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Mark Z

Why do we have a degree?

Education   18 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you work in the same field that you have a degree?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Why would I want to do that?
    • I don't think they allow humans to do that

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1 post in this topic

  On 12/21/2009 at 0:14 AM, Raz said:

-This is the problem with our generation, it's been drilled into us that higher education is a necessity, regardless of what that higher education may entail. This is the reason why a high percentage of people my age and younger are damn useless at 1) working with our hands, and 2) applying knowledge in real world situations. I am obviously not anti-education, I just don't kid myself into thinking that learning about pet subjects will somehow help me get ahead in life and pay my bills.

Raz, I hope you don't mind I quoted you as a way to start this topic, but it stated the situation well!

I am a little older than you but spent 20+ years getting a degree I have no interest in using, how many of us have degrees in areas we either don't use or don't even have a desire to work in that field?

Edited by Mark Z

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