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x635: Latest Victim on "When Animals Attack"

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:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

While working a paramedic shift, everybody's favorite dispatcher/medic had an unfortunate incident with a "vicious" dog and injured his leg. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to paramedic Granville.

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Appearently the injury was nothing serious, and 45M1 was back on the road less than an hour after the incident. Yay!! =D> =D> =D>

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Seth needs some leg armor to wrok now.

I told him not to put the left over steak in his cargo pocket.

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Thanks for the concern guys. :-) BTW, I love the title of this thread, LMAO!

The dog, a large boxer which was tied up outside, broke free from his leash/run cable and attached himself to my leg just after I triaged to BLS. He latched himself on only for a few moments, but he tore up and got a large amount of dog slobber all over my favorite pair of uniform pants subsequently destroying them, and broke my skin in a couple of different places on my right leg, leaving a pretty nasty wound and hemotoma. So, lucky me, I get to take Augmentin for the next 10 days and have a queasy stomach (a side effect of the Augmentin, an antibiotic)! Anyways, leaving the call, the other dog, a large vicous lab, basically latched his teeth to my rear bumper the entire way out of long driveway. I should have known this would have been a bad call, lol. I had just got done washing the M-1 truck, WEMS 4016 at KBHVAC, and got this call, which was at the end of about a 1/2 mile long very muddy driveway, lol, which totally remessed up my truck.

DADAY....The incident with the steak in my cargo pants only happened once, and I learned my lesson that time.

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Seth I got to wonder now, are you still a dog-lover? lol :-P

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I told you just eat it and dont save it for later.

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Is that foam coming out of your mouth or are you just happy to see us?

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The dog, a large boxer which was tied up outside, broke free from his leash/run cable and attached himself to my leg just after I triaged to BLS. He latched himself on only for a few moments, but he tore up and got a large amount of dog slobber

well now it being a male dog you didnt clarify just how he "attached" himself to your leg, and were you sure that was doggy slobber???

just messing with ya because you didnt get too hurt..

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