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Montrose - Working Fire - 12-18-09

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Date: 12-18-09

Time: 2200hrs

Location: 26 Skytop Dr. c/s Springvale Rd.

Frequency: 46.26

Units Operating: MFD Cars 2271, 2272, 2274, E122, U68, Buchanan Car 2552, U12, Verplanck Cars 2491, 2493, E126, Croton Cars 2082, 2083, E119 w/FASTeam, Cortlandt VAC, New York State Police, Westchester County PD, Con Ed, Cortlandt Code Enforcement

Weather Conditions: Cold, clear

Description Of Incident: Working Fire

Reporters: Chris192

Writer: BFD1054, et al

2200hrs-Tri-Village tones transmitted; Reported chimney fire at 26 Skytop Dr. in Montrose. Buchanan & Verplanck on s/b

2202hrs-E122 responding.

2203hrs-Car 2272 responding.

2207hrs-E122 on scene, Car 2274 (Capt. Porter) transmitting the 10-75. Requesting additional engine on the road, if a Montrose engine has not signed on, request one from Buchanan. Also requesting Crotons FASTeam to the scene.

2208hrs-Car 2272 on scene, advising "fully involved" structure fire, checking if Buchanan's engine is on the road.

2209hrs-Car 2271 responding, inquiring if he should pick-up TL8.

2210hrs-CFD Car 2083 en-route. 60-Control re-toning; Verplanck to re-locate (1) engine to Montrose FD, Buchanan E161 to the scene, Crotons FASTeam to the scene, Cortlandt VAC to the scene.

2212hrs-BFD U12 responding. CFD Car 2082 on scene.

2213hrs-Car 2272 attempting to raise BFD E161. CFD Car 2083 relaying for Car 2272; BFD E161 requested to respond Crugers Station Rd. and into the scene (back side of Springvale).

2216hrs-Car 2271 inquiring if Buchanans engine is en-route. U12 en-route. (a lot of radio traffic, unknown to me if BFD has an engine on the road)

2218hrs-VFD E126 re-locating to MFD HQ.

2223hrs-VFD E126 out at MFD HQ.

2224hrs-VFD E126 now requested to the scene. E126 advising limited personnel.

2225hrs-60-Control advising VFD E126 is to respond in to supply Croton E119.

2229hrs-CFD Car 2082 requesting VFD E126 to locate a hydrant on Springvale Rd. and lay into E119.

2230hrs-City of Peekskill requested to re-locate (1) engine to Montrose FD HQ.

2232hrs-Cause & Origin Team Zone-4 paged out for response.

2248hrs-Car 2271 requesting Fire-Police to the scene.

2250hrs-Crotons Tanker (10) requested to the scene. Continental Village Tanker (11) also requested to the scene.

2255hrs-CFD T10 responding.

2256hrs-CVFD T11 responding.

2303hrs-Mohegan requested to re-locate (1) engine to Verplanck FD HQ.

2313hrs-CVFD Car 2133, T11 on scene.

2332hrs-Car 2271 requesting Cortlandt Code Enforcement to the scene.

2337hrs-60-Control advising Car 2271 that Cortlandt Code Enforcement has a 30 minute ETA.

2341hrs-Mohegan E255 out at Verplanck FD HQ for stand-by.

*At about this point, I went to bed.

**0345hrs-Tri-Village tones transmitted; possible structure fire at 250 Kings Ferry Rd in Verplanck. LMFD E255 (s/b engine) & MFD E123 responded.

VFD Car 2492 advised of a working fire in trailer #9, requesting E255 to stretch a line in.

***0830hrs-Buchanan FD requested to respond w/(1) engine & manpower back to 26 Skytop Dr for a smoke investigation. BFD E161 responded along with Montrose FD units.




Edited by BFD1054
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