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Somers Lincolndale Firehouse CO Incident

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Seth, I don't believe it was an issue for dispatch. The dispatchers just donned air-packs off of E180 & used gas meters to monitor conditions.

All kidding aside, good question. Even as a former SFD dispatcher, this issue did not occur to me. I'm sure that SFD dispatching could be handled by 60-Control, no? As far as WEMS, is there another dispatch center, such as Northern Westchester hospital?

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Yes, 60 Control can dispatch and communicate with Somers FD. If I recall correctly speaking to those from Somers that I have, their Asst. Chief had all 911 / phone calls for FD/EMS sent to 60 Control for dispatch.

Every dispatch center, even the small town PD's, need to have backup dispatching capabilities off site. It never really dawned on me until the blackout a few years back. Our PD was our dispatch and they lost power, like everyone else, and the generator didn't kick on. We had to man our radio base at the firehouse which was on generator.

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