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So, How Are You Liking The New Forum Software?

3 posts in this topic

Now that the new software has been in place for a few weeks now, we want to know what you think about it? Likes, dislikes, etc?

Most of all, we want to know if you're experiencing any bugs or problems using the new software, and also if you have any questions regarding the use and new features of this forum.

Please post on this thread so we can address this issue, and any member possiblty having the same issue as you can identify with it on this thread. I, the staff, or other members will ensure that your problem is resolved.

Keep in mind this forum is new to us as well, and we're still working out some of the kinks, and now we need your help finding things we may have missed.

As time goes on and members become more comfortable with the forum software, we have more features to roll out to make this forum even better.


Seth G

Founder & CEO-EMTBravo

Director of Development

Please conideer a donation to the EMTBravo Operating Expenses Fund. Any amount is greatly appreciated, and goes directly to pay for server and license costs:

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I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must admit, as the song goes, "it took a little getting used to", but I do find it easier to navagate, and I like the sharpness and ease of veiwing the pages.

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I am not a all...I totally, 100 percent, emphatically prefer the LAST was top notch.

I can barely stand to log in anymore!

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