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Anyone Use A Emergency Vehicle Driving Simulator?

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Ind. FFs Get Driving Simulators


South Bend Tribune (Indiana)

Posted: Sun, 11/29/2009 - 00:45

SOUTH BEND - When firefighters are rushing to a burning building, hoping to save a life, the last thing they want is to take another life along the way.

So each year the city's fire department trains them on how to safely drive those massive rigs on emergency runs.

Edited by x635

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I believe County PD still has one they had it one year at Corltandt Family Fun Day in Montrose, I has both Police and Fire set up, Really cool machine, If also has the abliity to be used for DWI Driving

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  On 12/1/2009 at 0:46 PM, irishfire2491 said:

I believe County PD still has one they had it one year at Corltandt Family Fun Day in Montrose, I has both Police and Fire set up, Really cool machine, If also has the abliity to be used for DWI Driving

I got the chance to use the WCPD Driving Simulator at the 2009 Police Cadet Stations Day competition held at the WCPA. Its a nice machine with a full setup like the dashboard of an emergency vehicle. The only thing I didn't like was that you can't "feel" your speed or the way your car moves as it would in real life. There is definitely no substitute for on-the-road training and learning what it feels like when a vehicle is close to losing control (in a safe setting, obviously) Knowing the limitations of your type of vehicle is the easiest way to prevent accidents. But these types of simulators do give instructors the ability to critique basic driving skills and positioning issues in high-speed incidents (police chases) that you would DEFINITELY not be able to do in actual traffic.

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FDNY EMS , it also has screens in the side mirros and cameras so the instructor can monitor you. Very interesing great learning tool.

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Had a chance to use the simulator down at Randalls Island. Very realistic, cab of an engine with about 270 degrees of view. front, right, left, side view mirrors. The instructor can replicate almost every driving scenario, wet roads take longer to brake, the guy that you can't see that cuts around the UPS truck no matter how long you wait or slow you go (hint hint). If you have a hook to get in I would HIGHLY recommend it.

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The Morris County Fire school has a drining simulator for use as a car or truck it works great for the first steps in driver training. Morris Co. and other schools in NJ also have a driver trianing program and use real fire trucks. Most dept's will send members to the class for the basic training and then have them trained in house on dept units. This is a great program that should be in place at all fire schools.

Just my 2 cents.

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The big problem is the eye body disconnect. Its great for decision making but due to the risk for motion sickness members are limited to I believe 20 second scenarios. It in now way replaces actual wheel time, but is a great experience.

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I don't know, I ran three different scenarios with WCPD, one training, one emergency response to a call, and one pursuit. Each was MUCH longer than 20 seconds.

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WCPD may let you sit in there all day. FDNY EMS engineered their scenarios to be short, while still addressing key points to limit the the risk of motion sickness. This ensures all members can participate.

Edited by ny10570

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I got to do this for EVOC in FDNY EMS. I think this simulator and the one at the rock were donated by NASCAR after 9/11. I remember the instructors saying and I dont know if this is BS or not but most of the people who get sick tend to be older. Younger people especially males tend to do fine and they were saying this is because we grew up playing Nintendo, play station etc., and we are "condtioned" to immersing ourselves in a video screen. I know I did not feel any dizzyness or ill effects.

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I have used one through WCPD also. While it is a great tool, and any training is better then no training, I personally did not like it too much. I did not get sick, but others did. I think my mentality was "it is a simulator and not real", like a video game, so it took away from the experience. It did not appear or seem real to me.

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