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Greenburgh robberies have neighbors, merchants on edge

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1. How does this 7-11 NOT have more survaillence cameras? And 3 times, same store- inside job? Something is fishy about this.....

2. I wonder if any of the Greenburgh budget cuts had any affect on this? I know GPD cars spend a lot of time when available at night near 24 hour locations. Where were the sectors cars, and how far did they have to come from? Were any of them tied up doing EMS? Was Yonkers PD notified immediately, being so close to the border? If the men escaped on foot (probaly to a nearby getaway vehicle anyways), were there enough resources to have a perimiter setup?

I know Greenburgh didn't fill 6 police officer positions, and is cutting overtime, and I wonder if this is the effect that this is having on the community, especially considering GPD uses police resources to provide EMS, which means with every ambulance calls you are going to have officers off the streets for a few hours. Does all this allow for proactive policing? Greenburgh was a pretty safe place, and now crime is spiking.

Greenburgh robberies have neighbors, merchants on edge

By Rebecca Baker • • November 17, 2009

GREENBURGH — A string of armed robberies along the main commercial strip in the Edgemont section of town has residents and business owners on edge and police on task to find the gunmen.

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Edgemont crime spree prompts police OT in Greenburgh

By Stacy A. Anderson • • November 19, 2009


"I said to the chief, use the resources that you think are necessary to address the problem," Feiner said. "This is one of those things where money shouldn’t stand in the way of people feeling safe, or being safe."

Feiner, who had earlier said more police might not solve the problem, set no timetable or limit to the overtime.

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The suspects have been wearing masks, same with the 7-11 robberies in Yonkers.

GPD called Yonkers for the second robbery to do a perp search.

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2. I wonder if any of the Greenburgh budget cuts had any affect on this? I know GPD cars spend a lot of time when available at night near 24 hour locations. Where were the sectors cars, and how far did they have to come from? Were any of them tied up doing EMS? Was Yonkers PD notified immediately, being so close to the border? If the men escaped on foot (probaly to a nearby getaway vehicle anyways), were there enough resources to have a perimiter setup?

Valid questions but I think it's safe to say that there's more going on to stop this rash of robberies than will be printed in the newspaper. Wouldn't be very effective if they told everyone what tactics are being employed to catch these guys.

The 7-11 suspects are striking at a time when there is the lowest number of police available; that makes setting up a quick and effective perimeter difficult.

Add to that the fact that in less than 60 seconds they can be in another jurisdiction who may not yet be aware of the incident and they're almost home free. Police communications in Westchester County needs an update and there needs to be a faster, more efficient way to get critical information out there to all agencies! Before you say it, the hotline works but it has its drawbacks, too.

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Convience stores are an easy target. Especially this one, with so many areas to go and hide in in the dark hours. And I'm sure that GPD is doing more then is fit to print to catch these guys.

I just think that Greenburgh (TOWN) should restore funding for the 6 vacant officer positions, and fill open holes in the schedule. They should also add civian EMS positions which would free up some officers or . Maybe they can cut back some of the non-essential positions and programs in other areas that the town somehow finds money for.

Also to note, there has been an increase in crime townwide.

Are these 7-11 franchises owned by the same person?

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