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T/Newburgh PD - school bus MVA

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Didn't see this mentioned on the boards here, so for those who may be interested... A Town Police officer was seriously injured in an mva with 2 school busses. He initially was flown to St.Francis and later transferred to WCMC. Accident is under investigation, but according to witnessses and news reports, he crossed the center line and sideswiped the first bus before hitting the second one nearly head on.

There was a story and pics in the Record but I can't link to it. Here is the story from MidHudson

Prayers for a speedy recovery.

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was he responding to a call ? the damage to the bus looks like a lot for 40 mph...

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was he responding to a call ? the damage to the bus looks like a lot for 40 mph...

No. He was not responding to a call. I won't say what I have heard as it is only second hand info, but they are, among other things, looking at a possible medical cause.

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This incident is posted under Rockland & Orange county Incident Forum the day it happened.

Ahh... That's that whole "search function is your friend" thing. Thanks

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I saw, and helped treat the officer when he arrived via medivac (LifeGuard) @ Saint Francis. He was in pretty rough shape, but was stabilized, before being brought to the OR. I do not know what was done to him up there in the OR, but I helped load him into the outgoing medivac (LifeNet) the next morning. He looked in a LOT better shape, and even remembered me from the previous day (no, not bragging, the fact that he remembered me from the previous day despite his pain, and pain management amazed me to be honest).

Best of luck to the officer, and I hope the brothers over from Nbg/OC please keep us updated to his condition. I know it will be a long road to recovery.

Ahh... That's that whole "search function is your friend" thing. Thanks

Haha, yes, had to add that to my signature a couple months back! ;)

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was he responding to a call ? the damage to the bus looks like a lot for 40 mph...

Don't forget, the officer was doing 40 and the bus was doing what, 30? Thats one hell of an impact.

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Police investigate possible second accident with cop who hit school buses

NEWBURGH – The Newburgh Town police officer who struck two school buses while driving a police car on North Plank Road last Thursday, November 12, may have been involved in another motor vehicle incident just before that one.

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