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Seattle, WA - LODD Additional Information/Discussion

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Talked to one of my National Explorer Academy classmates who lives just outside Seattle, Washington. All indications are saying the murder of Officer Timothy Brenton and the shooting of Student Officer Britt Sweeney was completely random. The traffic stop they were involved in seemed completely unrelated to the shooting. Just a mindless act of violence directed towards Police Officers. The rookie got a few shots off before the perp got away, unknown if she hit the suspect vehicle or the suspect himself, or anything at all. Talk about a trial by fire...

No word yet on a specific suspect, but there's a sizable search going on, for obvious reasons. Best of luck to the Officers involved in the search, as Sun Tzu said "If your quarry goes to ground, leave no ground for him to go to."

There was another Officer-Involved shooting in Lake Stevens, Washington about 45 minutes from Seattle, where my buddy is from. Originally people thought it may be related, but apparently this was a domestic violence case that had nothing to do with the original shooting, just a horrible coincidence.

May the fallen Officer Rest in Peace, and may the injured Student Officer recover and quickly return to a long and successful career.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Officer Brenton and his Brother and Sister Officers in the Seattle Police Department.

Edited by SageVigiles

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Talked to my Explorer friend from outside Seattle who went to the funeral. Said it was a ceremony fit for a true hero. The good news is that about twenty minutes after the funeral, Seattle PD executed a search warrant on the home of the suspect in this assassination. Perp attempted to shoot the police as they entered, police shot the perp in the head, he's alive at the hospital at this time.

Suspect in Officer's Slaying Shot by Police

Seattle Times

Mike Carter, Jennifer Sullivan and Steve Miletich

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