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Pelham FD Chief?

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In a recent conversation with a few guys the question was asked about the Chiefs position in Pelham, any scoop out there? A new acting Chief in FDMV,new Chief in Hartsdale, a return of a retired Chief in Newburgh- any others out there?

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Is Pelham's Chief fully career, part time, or volunteer? If there is an opening, hopefully they will promote from within the ranks of the career staff, as there is a lot of career members that would fit this position well. It would also give Pelham FD career FF's an advancement path, and a retention tool. I know they recently created a Lt's position for each shift. Also would be cool if Pelham and Pelham Manor were one department under one command, I never understood why the two departments have to be seperate.

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In a recent conversation with a few guys the question was asked about the Chiefs position in Pelham, any scoop out there? A new acting Chief in FDMV,new Chief in Hartsdale, a return of a retired Chief in Newburgh- any others out there?

Did Pelham FD even have a Career Chief? I thought that was a Volunteer position.

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From November 8 , 2009 newspaper story JN

Acting chief heads Fire Department

PELHAM: Fire Chief Curtis Taylor, on the job since July 2008, retired Oct. 30 and Lt. Julian Keiser has become acting chief. Village Administrator Robert Yamuder said the village is looking within and outside the department for a permanent replacement for the part-time position. He anticipates a new leader for the department , with 15 paid members and two dozen volunteers, to be named within weeks.

Pelham Gov. website http://www.pelhamgov...d%204-21-09.pdf

Fire Chief, Part Time

Salary Range: $45,000 to $55,000 per year

Hours not to exceed 19 hours per week, on avg.

(Management employees are not eligible for overtime pay)

The Village of Pelham is seeking candidates for the position of Fire Chief, effective

immediately. To be eligible, a candidate must have at least seven (7) years paid or

verifiable, active volunteer experience as a firefighter, including one year as a superior

officer (for example as Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief or Chief)


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