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Montrose VA - Ruptured Gas Line - 10-29-09

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Date: 10-29-09

Time: 1100hrs

Location: Between Building's 30 and 31

Frequency: 46.26

Units Operating: Montrose VAFD Car 2571 (IC), E225, MA28, Montrose FD Car 2273, 121 (to scene), TL8 (re-locate), Buchanan E161 (re-locate), Batt-10, Con-Ed Gas, Cortlandt VAC on s/b.

Weather Conditions: Clear

Description Of Incident: Ruptured Gas Line


Writer: BFD1054

1100hrs-Montrose VAFD dispatched/responding for the ruptured gas line between Buildings 30 & 31.

1101hrs-VAFD Car 2571 on scene, establishing VA command, requesting Montrose to re-locate (1) engine to the VA's quarters.

1102hrs-VA Command now requesting Montrose with 1 & 1. E121 requested to the scene, TL8 to re-locate. Buchanan requested to re-locate (1) engine.

1120hrs-VA Command requesting Tri-Village to be toned out for crews to stand-by in their respective quarters. Also requesting (1) ambulance for stand-by.

1130hrs-Croton requested to re-locate (1) engine to Montrose FD's quarters. Car 2083 en-route, advising E119 will be the re-locate engine.

1142hrs-Command advising Con-Ed emergency supervisor is on scene.

1202hrs-VA Command releasing Montrose E121 & TL8, Buchanan E161 to remain on s/b. Croton E119 going back in service from Montrose.

1225hrs-VA Command advising he has call-back personnel to staff their ambulance, CVAC can be released with his thanks.

Edited by BFD1054

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