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Croton EMS Bought An Ambulance From Mount Kisco?

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Did I miss something?

Mount Kisco's PL Custom was probaly in excellent shape (200?ish Ford E-450/PL Custom) that is probaly similar to Croton's PL, but I never got why Croton is so stingy when it comes to purchasing ambulances. I assume this is to replace the very well worn and overdue-for-replacement 1995 Ford F-350/Marque?

Did this transaction go through, and if so, any photos?

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Did this transaction go through, and if so, any photos?


Mount Kisco got a better offer then what our village wanted to make, and sold the rig to another outfit upstate. The good news is that the village has approved the purchase of a brand new rig, which should be out to bid very soon. The purchase of the new ambulance was approved at the October 5th Village Board meeting.

Edited by Remember585

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Is the capitol budget funding for the EMS Chief's new vehicle back on the table as well, in addition to a new bus? I hope so, I mean especially since it has already been previously appropriated, so long as it is still needed.

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Is the capitol budget funding for the EMS Chief's new vehicle back on the table as well, in addition to a new bus? I hope so, I mean especially since it has already been previously appropriated, so long as it is still needed.

The money for a "Car" is being used towards the purchase of the new ambulance, with the stipulation that the money for said car will be resubmitted within five years. From what I understand, and I am hopeful is what will happen, once we get the new ambulance our old one will go to CPD to replace the late 80's unit they have for their Dive Team, Tactical Team & Accident Investigation Unit.

Hopefully FDVA356 can provide more on this tomorrow (or tonight if his little one wakes him up LOL).

Edited by Remember585

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Did Something Happened To One Of There Or Is This A Third Rig & If It Is Where Or The Putting It

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