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Rally for FDNY FFs @ WTC THIS Saturday

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This is from another site but I thinks it's important here too. (posted with the author's permission)

FDNY Rally and Press Conference for FDNY There are many many rescue workers that are sick and dying from recovery at the world trade center after 9/11. In the past week 3 have died all under the age of 44.

The city of new york is denying these brothers benefits and line of duty death status. One firefighters dying wish last week was to be carried to his final resting place on the fdny caisson and was denied because they said he wasnt a lodd. (39 died of brain cancer, richie mannetta)

There is a press conference and support rally for a call to action that has been organized for October 24th at 11am, 7 World Trade Center.

We are going, Are You? Come with us. We're taking an 8ish train outta new haven then taking the subway right there. Many of you dont know the support the New Haven 20 got from the fdny, but this is not a request we could deny. The fact that these brothers are dying, makes our situation pale in comparison. More deatails to follow.

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What a lot of people don’t realize is that 9/11 is continuing to kill. Many Police Officers, Firefighters, Paramedics, and other responders are being diagnosed at an alarming rate with cancer, lung disease, etc. That is in addition to the suicides. When people think of 9/11, they remember all those that were murdered, but this issue continues to plague those who are referred to as the “forgotten victims”. When people remember this coming 9-11, I’m afraid these victims will continue to be overlooked. Many young families have been devastated by losing a loved one to 9-11 years later, and there is more to come.

Additionally, two firefighters died last year in a high rise fire in a building that was being demolished due to 9/11.

Here is the technical study on multiple myeloma:

And here’s a media report:

This is a cause I strongly believe in......I wish I had the funds to travel to this rally, but I hope I can at least muster up some people using this forum......

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Just a reminder, this event is this Saturday.......

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