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Croton's Washington Engine Recognizes Senior Members

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On Monday evening, September 28th, the Washington Engine Company No. 2 of the Croton Volunteer Fire Department recognized three members for their long & dedicated service to the Company. As the Department's oldest company (over 117 years young), there have been several members to reach milestones such as 50, 55 and 60 years, but there's never been two members to reach 65 years simultaneously.

Receiving recognition were Donald "Tex" Fagan and John Giglio for completing 65 years of service. Both men have been with the CFD since 1944, at which time the membership age was lowered to 16 while many residents were in the Military for World War II.

Mr. Fagan previously served as a Lieutenant in the Company, while Mr. Giglio has held many titles, including Lieutenant, Captain, President and his current role of Safety Officer.

Company President, Joe Streany, was also recognized (by surprise) with an award, as he has been a member and a mentor in the Washington Engine for 40 years. Mr. Streany has held all Company Officer positions, was a Chief of the Department and currently serves as a Fire Council Warden and Deputy Chief, in addition to his Presidential role.

Nearly 70 members, family and guests were on hand for the short service, which the Company conducted quietly, hoping to surprise all three men. (And I think we did!)

Congratulations Tex, John and Joe on your great achievements!

Photos and more info coming soon to and

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