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Bronx- 3rd Alarm 09-17-09

1 post in this topic


Time: 2337

Box: 2532hrs

Area: Melrose

Location: 371 East 166th St X Clay Ave

Description Of Incident: Fire in a 1-story row of (3) taxpayers.

Reporters: Truck4

Writer: afd65

2323hrs- 10-75 for heavy smoke from a row of taxpayers.

E-92, 71, 60, 94; L-19, 44, 55FAST; R-3, Sq-41; B-17, 26

2325hrs- B-17 Using All-Hands On Arrival for fire in at least (1) store in a corner row, 1-story 150X50.

Exposure #1: Street

Exposure #2: 7-story brick O/M/D attached

Exposure #3: 6-story brick O/M/D attached

Exposure #4: Street

2329hrs- Div. 6 S/C Engine and Truck.

S/C: E-42, L-27

2331hrs- Div. 6 transmitting 2nd Alarm.

2nd Alarm: E-82, 73, 83, 72/S-2; L-31; B-14 (Safety), 3 (RUL), Rescue B/C, Safety B/C, Field Com., TAC #1, CTU

2335hrs- Div. 6 rpts fire in (2) of (3) stores of a taxpayer. (2) L/S/O.

2344hrs- Div. 6 rpts heavy fire conditions, S/C extra Truck.

S/C: L-42

2354hrs- Div. 6 transmitting 3rd Alarm. Staging area will be Webster X 166th

3rd Alarm: E-43, 84, 69, 59; L-48; B-19, 18 (Staging), 33 (Air Recon Chief); MSU

2355hrs- Div. 6 S/C Tower Ladder above the 3rd Alarm.

S/C: L-17

0003hrs- Div. 6 rpts (3) L/S/O, (1) in original fire store, (1) in Exposure #2 and (1) into Exposure #4 store. Co's lining into Exposure #3, 6-story OMD.

0015hrs- Div. 6 rpts Primary (-). Still have pockets of fire in cockloft. D/W/H.

0033hrs- P/W/H.

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