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Anyone Have Photos From The Buchanan Fire?

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Does anybody have photos of the fire that Buchanan had on Saturday

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CRP....I know that J.T. Camp (ONLOCATION) was there. However, i do not know if he bothered to take any pics, as there wasnt much to see. All i know is that i was on a ladder when he got there. I had removed my helmet briefly and quickly threw it back on thinking "man, i can just imagine the Monday-morning quarterbacking that will go on on EMTBravo" lol.

But im sure if J.T. got anything (fireground/apparatus) he will share it when he gets the chance.

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Ok thanks I was gonna go take some pics but was too sick to go but thanks for the response

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No problem was too early in the am anyway, better off staying in bed lol. Hope youre feeling better.

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come on now, just becasue JT took pictures, does not mean he will share them...

sorry JT !!! find my brass diving helmet

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