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Buchanan- Working Fire 9/6/09

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Date: September 6th 2009

Time: 6:44

Location: 89 Tate Avenue Cross Kings Ferry Road and Burke COurt

Frequency: 453.5625

Units Operating: 2551(IC) Buchanan, Verplank, Montrose, Montrose VA FAST, Croton FAST

Weather Conditions: Clear, relatively cool

Description Of Incident:

6:44 Buplanktrose 89 Tate Avenue on a structure fire

6:45 2552 Responding advised PD reporting working fire, 2552 in the area with a smell

6:46 2552 on Scene with smoke showing, 2551 request first alarm assignment with Montrose ladder

6:48 Buplanktrose Retone, Engine 160 responding, 2271 responding

6:49 Croton FAST requested to the scene, 2083 responding, Montrose VA FAST requested

6:51 2551 requesting Verplank to the scene with manpower, Engine 161 on scene

6:54 2551 Requesting Utilities to the scene and Cause and Origin, Utility 12 on scene

6:55 2493 on scene

6:56 2083 and Engine 119 on location, Cause and Origin Zone 4 dispatched

7:11 Command advises Fire is K/D Releasing Verplank to standby in their quarters for the tri-village standby

7:14 Command releasing Montrose VA and Croton FAST teams

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