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Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 8/28/09

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Date: 8/28/09

Time: 08:20 hours

Location: 55 Bruckner Blvd x Willis and Alexander (part of a block-long complex)

Frequency: 154.190, 482.00625 (FDNY The Bronx)

Weather Conditions: light rain

Description Of Incident: fire throughout a 4 story vacant building

Writer: ryang

Additional Info:

Mott Haven, the Bronx, NY, 8/28/09

Address: 55 Bruckner Blvd between Willis and Alexander Aves

08:24 hours

Phone Box 2109 - Report of fire in a vacant building

Engs. 60, 83, Squad 41

TL17, L29

Battalion 14

08:24 hours

Now receiving multiple calls

E35, Rescue 3 assigned

10-75-2109 - 08:26 hours

Battalion 14: 10-75, we've got fire on the 4th floor, 4 story vacant class 3.

TL14 is the FAST Truck

Battalion 14

Squad 61

Division 6

Exposures are:

1 - street

2 - similar attached

3 - rear yard/vacant lot

4 - similar attached

7-5-2109 - 08:31 hours - Duration 10 minutes

BC14: Box 2109, using All-Hands for fire on the 2nd floor of a 4 story vacant with an open roof, dimensions 25x50 MD. We have a positive water source, we have a medium fire condition. We have 2 lines stretched, going into operation with the 1st. Primary searches are in progress and the fire is Doubtful.


08:34 hours

E71, L55 S/C

08:35 hours - Duration 13 minutes

Division 6: We have a top floor of a 4 story non-fire proof, attached, the entire length of the street. We have 2 lines stretched 1 in operation at this time, trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful for Bronx Box 2109.

2-2-2109 - 08:37 hours

Bronx Box 2109, we're going to make this a 2nd alarm. We have fire on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floor and into the cockloft.

Engs.73, 91, 59

E72 w/ Satellite 2


Battalion 16 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 26 (Resource Unit Leader)

Rescue, Safety Battalions

Tactical Support 1


08:37 hours

DC6: 2109, make sure there's an additional tower ladder on the 2nd alarm, they are to respond to the rear of the Bruckner building, set up with an engine, k.

TL31 S/C

08:39 hours

DC6: We just had firefighters go to the rear, there's no way a tower ladder will fit in the rear, cancel those extra instructions.

08:40 hours - Duration 18 minutes

DC6: We have fire on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, through the roof and in the cockloft, front and rear of the building, fire is Doubtful, k.

08:41 hours

Car 10 (AC James Esposito, Bronx Borough Commander) is responding

08:48 hours

The staging area is Bruckner Blvd and 3rd Ave

08:51 hours - Duration 29 minutes

DC6: Be advised we have 2 tower ladders setting up at the front of the building, will be TL17 and TL31. We have 2 lines stretched in operation, we have 2 more lines going into operation. Visible fire is getting knocked down on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. We're going to remain Doubtful for Bronx Box 2109.

08:55 hours

E46 is 10-8 in E60's response area

09:00 hours

Battalion 49 is 10-8 in Battalion 14's response area

09:01 hours - Duration 39 minutes

DC6: Progress report: We have 2 tower ladders operating in the front of the top floor, trying to remove plywood covering from the top floor, still have heavy fire on the top floor. We have 4 lines stretched: 1 in exposure 2, 1 in exposure 4, 1 on the roof, and 1 in the rear. Fire is still Doubtful, fire is being knocked down on the 2nd and 3rd floors. No searches have been completed at this time, primaries are being conducted, fire remains Doubtful for Bronx Box 2109. Per your request, confirmation on the address is 55 Bruckner.

09:13 hours - Duration 51 minutes

DC6: Per Tour Commander AC Esposito, progress report: We have primary searches on exposure 2 and exposure 4 completed. No searches have been completed in the main fire building, primaries are still underway. The tower ladders have been shut down for roof reconnaissance to check for further extension to the building. We are going to remain Doubtful for Bronx Box 2109. We had a slight extension to exposure 4 through the top floor.

09:23 hours - Duration 1 hours 1 minutes

FieldCom: Progress Report #4 for your 2nd alarm Box 2109, the address 55 Bruckner Blvd at Willis Ave, Car 10 had a fire in a 4 story vacant PD. At this time everybody is out of the building, they're going to an exterior attack due to the instability of the building. They're requesting Buildings Dept to respond to access the stability, and they'll make this a 10-41 code 4.

09:28 hours - Duration 1 hour 6 minutes

FC: Progress Report #5 for your 2nd alarm Box 2109, the address 55 Bruckner Blvd at Willis Ave, AC Esposito, Car 10 reports he has a fire in 4 story 25x50 vacant PD. At this time, primary and secondary searches in exposure 2 and 4 are complete and negative and he places the fire Probably Will Hold. Also Car 10 will be 10-8, Division 6 will be Incident Commander.

09:38 hours

Rescue Battalion is 10-8 back to Citywide

09:44 hours - Duration 1 hour 22 minutes

FC: Progress Report #6 for your 2nd alarm 2109, the address 55 Bruckner Blvd at Willis Ave, Division 6 had a fire in a 4 story 25x50 frame. At this time they've done a visual search from the exterior. They still have small pockets of fire being extinguished from the exterior with 1 tower ladder in operation, and they're remaining at Probably Will Hold.

10:02 hours

TL44 S/C

10:17 hours - Duration 1 hour 55 minutes

FC: Progress Report #7 for your 2nd alarm 2109, the address 55 Bruckner Blvd at Willis Ave, Division 6 had a fire in a 4 story 25x50 vacant PD. At this time they're still conducting exterior searches, still awaiting the arrival of Buildings Dept. Shutting down the tower ladder that was in operation, now have a handline to extinguish the small pockets of fire, and places the fire Under Control.

Edited by ryang

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