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Bridgeport Discrimination

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In a recent article the news stated that the settlement for the 12 firefighters denied promotions because of race is close to being solved. The attorney for the firefighters said that after negotiations that "a framework for a settlement is in place subject to approvals," Both parties hope to have a decision by the end of the month. This progress comes after the major decision handed down by the supreme ct with the NH20 case.

In this case the city of Bridgeport should not have sent the results back to the agency who designed, issued, and graded the test. The city was wrong for sending the results back to have them rescored after the results were told to the members of the dept an then were pulled because no minoritys were in reach for promotion. Appears to be the trend lately!

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It sounds like there has been a resolve to the discrimination lawsuit in Bridgeport, maybe somebody from over there might be able to give us the scoop?

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