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C.I.S.D. Teams Who and When

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I would like to know if any department have this service ready to be used and how do you get them to your members. In Bergen Co. NJ we have what is called the Phoenix Team this team can be called at any time and will respond to the department who calls. They also have the ability to have several teams deploy to different fire house at the same time.The team is made up of members of the service as well as members of the clergy. I do know that here in NJ they have a training class for persons who would like to help and join the team.

This is a great resource that is out there for all services and should be used when needed. The days of sitting at the bar are over people need to talk about what has happen and what they feel.

Share what is done in your department and how it works maybe this will help someone out.



Edited by CPAGE

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