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Blood Drive

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Union Vale Fire Department is having a blood drive on August 22, at Station One, on Rts. 82 in Verbank, NY from 7am to 1pm. We ask that you make a trip and drop off a pint. We ask that you support us in this. We are shooting for a record turnout.

Every day someone like you saves a life through the simple act of donating blood. Although more than 50 percent of the population of the United States is able to donate, fewer than 5 percent actually do.

Why donate? Red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen throughout the body. RBCs are often needed during surgery, during trauma emergencies and to help Sickle cell patients. Platelets facilitate blood clotting. Platelet products are often needed to help leukemia and cancer patients, as well as those undergoing major surgery. Plasma contains additional clotting factors and is the liquid that carries other blood components throughout the body. It is needed for burn patients or those with clotting disorders.

Automobile Accident victims can need up to 50 or more units of red blood cells. Heart Surgery victims need about 6 units of red blood cells, and 6 units of platelets. Organ transplants call for 40 units of red blood cells, 30 units of platelets, and 25 units of plasma. Bone marrow Transplants use 120 units of platelets, and 20 units of red blood cells. Burn victims need around 20 units of platelets.

Please show up.

Edited by Nano

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