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Expect the un-expected!

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In a recent MVA/ Robbery attempt a taxi driver crashed into a store front church (1 of 400+ churches in MV) and caused damage to the structure roll down gate.It sounds like MVPD wanted to make sure the structure was ok and still sound. Inside the storefront church with the rolldown gates padlocked with american locks the PD located up to 5 persons to include a child inside. The church had sleeping arrangements as well as some type of cooking units present. In a situation such as this if a fire happened the egress of the people inside was secured by the roll down gates. I am not sure if the rear of the structure had available exits or not but the point here is to expect the worst or again the unexpected. Know your district both during operating hours as well as after hours. news 12 had recent coverage on this, jjc

Edited by hudson144

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The old trick was to look for the locks on the inside. Usually in the Chinese/Fast food restaurants.

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restaurants, supermarkets, bodegas, WalMart, the list goes on. Stores continue to lock people inside wether while they work or sleep its a serious problem. Probably 2 years ago there was a grab in the Bronx of two guys who hid in a walk in cooler after a fire broke out in a store they were locked in.

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  hudson144 said:
In a recent MVA/ Robbery attempt a taxi driver crashed into a store front church (1 of 400+ churches in MV) and caused damage to the structure roll down gate.It sounds like MVPD wanted to make sure the structure was ok and still sound. Inside the storefront church with the rolldown gates padlocked with american locks the PD located up to 5 persons to include a child inside. The church had sleeping arrangements as well as some type of cooking units present. In a situation such as this if a fire happened the egress of the people inside was secured by the roll down gates. I am not sure if the rear of the structure had available exits or not but the point here is to expect the worst or again the unexpected. Know your district both during operating hours as well as after hours. news 12 had recent coverage on this, jjc

I happened to have been on this job...

There was a rear door, however it was almost completely obstructed by some kind of an air-conditioning unit or something like that. The item in front of the door was a cube roughly 2.5 feet in size. There's no way it weighed less than 250 pounds, just by looking at it. Oh and to top everything off, there were a plethora of lit candles still burning...

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  paramedico987 said:
I happened to have been on this job...

There was a rear door, however it was almost completely obstructed by some kind of an air-conditioning unit or something like that. The item in front of the door was a cube roughly 2.5 feet in size. There's no way it weighed less than 250 pounds, just by looking at it. Oh and to top everything off, there were a plethora of lit candles still burning...

What you describe sounds like it could be a hot dog cart. Hudson......are you selling hot dogs in the south county too?!

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No wagon there! Thanks medic for the additional info.

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