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From: Ridge Hill development in Yonkers & fire protection

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I am sure that someone within the YFD is more qualified to answer these questions than anyone else. I, too, had originally read that when the Ridge Hill Development was being planned, that the developer agreed to build a New Fire House somewhere near the development, as part of adding to the fire protection needed for this new venture. There have been many who have posted on EMTBravo in the past, that it would be a New Ladder Company (possibly Ladder 77, since Ladder 76, 78 and 79 are currently either spares or reserves). What others have also posted is whether or not a New Fire Station for Ridge Hill would be for a Single Company (ie: A New Ladder Company) or for a Multi-Unit Station. Thus the "Rumors" (and I can only state that these are RUMORS) that "possibly" a New Station 10 would be constructed somewhere along Tuckahoe Road near the base of the Ridge Hill Complex (maybe near the current Water Works Building), which would then house Engine 310 and "Ladder 77?" (Then another rumor was mentioned that the current Station 10 would be the ideal place for the YFD Museum (rather than the Old Station 8 Carrage House, which appears to be beyond repair/renovation).

But, with the Economic Crisis in hand, I am not sure if the City of Yonkers is in a position to add the Manpower and Equipment needed to have a New Ladder Company for Ridge Hill (Remember, just a few short months ago, there was talks of layoffs, cutbacks in hours and demotions in rank that either happened or were talked about).

Let's hope that maybe Chief Fitzpatrick, Chief Flynn or maybe Commissioner Pagano can come on here and shed some light, given this updated information that you had found on the Westchester Business Journal relating to the "Update" on the Ridge Hill Project.

Ok a you stated let someone from YFD field this as they are in the know. So then you went on and on about people putting up rumors and if we go back into some old topics we find that you had stsrted most of the rumors and wishs. So now please let the city and it's staff do what they have to do and if they can they will let people on the board know what they can.



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