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Dispatchers help save lives with emergency medical protocols (Featuring 60 Control)

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Good to see an article like this, despite some inaccuracies. Also good to see some of my former coworkers featured!

Police dispatchers help save lives with emergency medical protocols

By Steve Lieberman • • July 22, 2009

The 911 caller had panic in her voice, telling the Clarkstown police dispatcher that her son was lying in bed and was not breathing.

"Please get medical people here," she said with desperation.

Dispatcher Kristy Sanfratello remained calm, almost nonchalant, but firm as she questioned the woman about her son's condition and began instructing her on CPR for the 31-year-old man.

Another dispatcher sent ambulance emergency medical technicians, paramedics

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She began emergency medical dispatching, which most police dispatchers in Rockland, Westchester and Putnam counties are trained to do.

Um, at least in Westchester, this isn't true. If it was, then most EMS agencies wouldn't have their dispatching done by 60 Control. The biggest problem with PD dispatch and the lack of EMD is staffing. Most PD's have one person at the desk, which just isn't practical for EMD. All of the PD's in Westchester - with a few exceptions - just don't have the personnel to do this, but on the upside of it, they are able to provide First Aid and/or CPR on arrival, which most often is before EMS gets there.

The article in the paper also said something to the effect that WCPD handles 911 calls and EMDs them - another inaccuracy. 911 calls go to their local PD, unless it is cellular then it finds it's way to the TMC who then turns it out to 60 Control for fire and EMS. Sometimes they will send it to the FD / EMS agencies not dispatched by 60 Control.

It's nice to see a write up like this, since those of us behind the microphone are usually forgotten! :rolleyes:

Let's see, fire service consolidation was published a couple of weeks ago, maybe next they can hit on how many PD's need more staffing, better protection (IE tasers) or how EMS is a sinking ship that only some agencies have attempted to "cork..."


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The biggest problem with PD dispatch and the lack of EMD is staffing.

The biggest problem is getting them to transfer the call. That way 60 Control can do EMD and actually dispatch the proper rigs.

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