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Pataki vetoes NYC*EMS death benefits bill

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So, Sanitation workers get the benefit, but EMS doesn't??? Is this some kind of joke? Absolutely disgusting, and the politicians should be ashamed of themselves!!DISGUSTING!!!

Pataki vetoes EMS death benefits bill -Albany, New York  

Gov. George Pataki has quietly vetoed a proposal that would have granted city paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians the same death benefits as police, firefighters, sanitation workers and correction officers.  

Citing a "glaring inequity," state Sen. John Marchi (R-Staten Island introduced the bill last year with Assemblyman Peter Abbate (D-Brooklyn).  

They pushed the measure by noting that 3,000 city emergency service technicians respond to some two million life-saving calls every year.

"A serious inequity is now apparent," read a memo from the lawmakers supporting the bill.  

The EMTs work "side by side" with cops and firefighters -- "but, if killed, even in a common disaster, their death benefits are radically different from one another," the memo said.  

It noted that the city's emergency medical service (EMS) workers were merged into the city Fire Department in 1996, under former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.  

The memo said it is "well documented" that Fire Department medics are frequently injured though, it noted, few have died, only six since 1994.  

"But when these deaths occur," the bill memo said, "they are just as devastating to a member's families as when a sanitation worker, police officer, firefighter, correction officer dies."  

The bill was delivered to Pataki in the last 10 days of last year. The Republican governor had 30 days to sign or veto it this year, after which it could officially die from what is known as a "pocket veto."  

The pocket veto was announced yesterday.  

Pataki spokesman Andrew Rush noted the governor, in November, signed a bill to enhance accidental disability benefits for EMTs and paramedics.  

"We appreciate the efforts and the sacrifices the EMTs make, which is why we signed the bill," the spokesman said.  

He said Mayor Michael Bloomberg also opposed the bill the governor vetoed.

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Nothing short of a TOTAL disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody good with words feel free to post a form letter we can all sign and send to our Governor!!!!!!!!!! [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X

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You know, things like this are what makes Pataki a really bad politican. I'll write a form letter and post later on when I have it done; anyone who wants a copy can feel free to PM me after I post it as done.

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Before anyone writes letters or jumps off the cliff. Let's find out what state benefits he signed back in November.

Also NYC has the ability to do what they want as far as death benefits for their emergency responders go. Let them handle themselves like they want to with everything else.

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You have a good point, but neither Bloomberg nor Pataki have any respect for emergency services personnel. Some of the 343 members of the FDNY who were killed on 9/11 were EMTs and Paramedics, and even though they do not undertake the same tasks as NYPD officers and FDNY fire fighters do, they made the same sacrifice on that day and they make similar sacrifices every single day they come to work. There is no good reason why they should not have equal death benefits. Pataki vetoed the bill, and although NYC can do what it wants with regard to death benefits, given the way the City's administration responds to the needs of emergency workers, things probably won't change unless the affected parties and everyone here do something about it.

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and to think george supported us. yeah ok

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Wolf, excellent points, but weren't the 2 Paramedics that were killed while on duty placed with the 341 firefighters that got killed to make the 343 number. You always hear that 343 firefighters got killed that day when 341 did plus 2 FDNY Paramedics. I thought that was done to ensure they got equal benefits.

Maybe I have a different outlook but just because a politician veto's some piece of legislation in my opinion doesn't mean he does or doesn't support us. I'm not gonna lose sleep or think he cares less because of that legislation veto.

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Not to get on a political rant, but...

A politician's veto in itself does not necessarily mean that the politician does not support us. However, to make such a determination, one must look at the bigger picture and take into account the politician's track record when dealing with similar issues related to the emergency services; after doing this overall analysis, it can be construed that neither Pataki nor Bloomberg support the uniformed emergency personnel. Pataki habitually cuts necessary budgets, such as education; and with the exception of the converting the death of FF Chris Engeldrum in Iraq to a line of duty death so his widow can receive a higher benefit award, Pataki has never once recognized, in a legislative manner, the sacrifices that we all make. And as far as Bloomberg stands, I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is obvious. From today's NY Daily News Voice of the People...

Losing proposition

Bayside: Mayor Bloomberg is determined to shove the new stadium for the Jets down our throats. Every poll shows sentiment running 60% to 65% against the project. We all know from the past that the figures he is throwing at us are far less than what the actual cost would be. The same goes for the Olympics. (Ask Atlanta.) There is no money for raises for deserving police officers and firefighters, but plenty for Bloomberg's pet projects. This egomaniac must be reined in. 

Robert Lynch

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plain and simple if george gave a dam he would not have veto'd the legislation. he would have signed it into law. just another one of george's lies

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Just another reason that EMS is treated like third class scum. and people wonder why there is such a high turn over rate, and people jump to go to fd or pd.

I remember not to long ago Pataki, and Bloomberg and the rest of the politicians standing toe to toe with EMS , FD, PD and raving at what heroes and wonderful people we all are.

Well I am not political or care to be, but this is an election year for them, I think they forgot about that, not that anyone else that goes into office will be much better...

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BEfore you slam pataki, you've gotta read the whole bill. There may be somethign piggybacked to it that is wholey unrelated. Sadly in politics, it is never as simple as it could or should be.

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Adding what are called "rider" attachments to bills is a frequent occurrence in politics, and you do bring up a good point. It is not uncommon to see attached to, lets say an education bill, an addendum requesting money to be earmarked for something totally unrelated, such as to build a bridge. What irks me is the fact that if there was no rider, then why didn't Pataki sign the bill? If there was a rider, then why did our elected officials add something to a crucial bill so as to effectively guarantee its veto?

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Wasn't that a red coat I saw george wearing at the last meeting he had with bloomberg

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