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Greenburgh PD Ambulance MVA responding to call 6/30/09

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Cop injured en route to crash involving 12-year-old bicyclist

By Hoa Nguyen • • June 30, 2009
  • GREENBURGH - A 12-year-old bicyclist was struck by a vehicle and a police officer responding to that call also was injured tonight when the ambulance he was riding in collided with another vehicle, officials said.

    Both the youngster, who sustained head injuries but was conscious when emergency responders arrived, and officer, who suffered neck and back pain, were taken to Westchester Medical Center with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries, police said.

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I wish the officer and the young man who was hit, a speedy recovery.

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I was worried when I heard about this, but glad to hear everyone is physically alright. Wish everyone a speedy recovery.

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