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New Hackensack Pedestrian struck

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Time: 13:13

Location: 54 Degarmo Hills Rd

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800, 155.415, NYSP frequencies

Units Operating: New Hackensack FD, Town of Wappinger EMS & NYSP

Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny, 79

Description Of Incident: Pedestrian struck

Reporters: JETPHOTO


13:13 New Hackensack FD, Town of Wappinger EMS & NYSP dispatched for a pedestrian struck at 54 Degarmo Hills Rd

13:14 911 advises vehicle fled the scene, victim possibly unconscious

13:14 911 advises a person on the scene reports a possible fatality

13:15 New Hackensack 52-1 on the scene, launch a medevac landing zone at the New Hackensack fire station

13:16 911 dispatch’s New Hackensack to a AFA; 1 engine to stand by for the landing zone

13::16 Wappinger’s amb. on the scene confirms launch of medevac. 52-13 setting up L/Z

13:18 Cmd advises 911 to cancel the medevac patient is to unstable to fly will transport to hospital by ground

13:19 52-13 now responding to AFA

13:31 Wappinger’a amb. Transporting 1 to St Francis ALS code 3

13:32 Cmd reports a 2nd amb. on the scene evaluating a person

13:42 Cmd reports all New Hackensack equipment back in service, fire police will be assisting PD closing the road between 52 & 56 Degarmo Hills Rd for investigation

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