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Is it just me or are you having problems with Facebook/MySpace too?

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Is any one else experiencing issues with facebook, for some reason it is taking a awful long time to load for me.

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Is any one else experiencing issues with facebook, for some reason it is taking a awful long time to load for me.

And here I thought it was just my internet connection at home!!! I suffer the same issues. Maybe if they stopped tyring to "improve" FB and just leave it the was it used to be, they wouldn't have so many issues!!!!

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I'm going nuts!! Myspace is not any better they are always "improving" it to make it seem like facebook.

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I'm going nuts!! Myspace is not any better they are always "improving" it to make it seem like facebook.

I gave up on MySpace long ago. It just got too flashy and not cool.

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I have no Myspace page. I have no Facebook account. I Don't do Youtube and I'd rather poke myeself in the eye with a pen than "tweet" on Twitter. Is it just me or is anyone else on the "anti-follow me around 24/7" bandwagon? I'm old, I realize, but I feel that if you really want to reach me then flipping CALL ME! Again, is it just me?

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I have no Myspace page. I have no Facebook account. I Don't do Youtube and I'd rather poke myeself in the eye with a pen than "tweet" on Twitter. Is it just me or is anyone else on the "anti-follow me around 24/7" bandwagon? I'm old, I realize, but I feel that if you really want to reach me then flipping CALL ME! Again, is it just me?

That goes for cell phone too with me, and here it is I work with technology all day.


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It's them. Its got a lot of high use now, plus with all the "great new updates" they seem to be coming out with "it is improving the service". (Yes I am being sarcastic with the quoted stuff). Man It seems they went from simple to simply stupid updates in my opinion.

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F.Y.I there is a vires going around with face book. Someone has gotten into other peoples acct. and sent out a video clip of a monkey smoken weed that is linked to youtube, but it really isent youtube im told it is a vires by a few people i change my password everyweek

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Facebook has been awful lately, as soon as they added the apps it went downhill. Facebooks best days were before it was open to everyone when all you had was a news feed, profile, pics, and a wall. There used to never be any problems.

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Glad its not just me

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