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Leave of absence

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Do any departments represented here ban members on leave wether the leave is medical or personal?

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Do any departments represented here ban members on leave wether the leave is medical or personal?

When you say "ban" do you mean ban as in "banned from entering the firehouse" or social functions?

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When you say "ban" do you mean ban as in "banned from entering the firehouse" or social functions?

I should of been more specific. I mean banned from entering the firehouse, for any reason.

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If you're talking a leave of absence from the job, FDNY considers you a civilian and you have the same rights as any civilian. You're effectively resigning from the job for that period of time.

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If you're talking a leave of absence from the job, FDNY considers you a civilian and you have the same rights as any civilian. You're effectively resigning from the job for that period of time.

I am talking a leave from a volunteer dept.

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wouldnt taking leave for a volly dept be the same as just not showing up to calls for a while??

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Andy do you meen, or I should say what I have seen done in my Department is people going from active to inactive status , and yes they can come in the building but you can not respond to, calls particapte in drills.

We do not have a leave of absense status.

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I should of been more specific. I mean banned from entering the firehouse, for any reason.

When I suffered an on-duty injury, I was banned from entering the firehouse until I was cleared to return to active duty. The only exception to that was if i wanted to attend a fire commissioners meeting since they are open to the public.

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I've never heard of that. In our department, if you needed time away for whatever reason, you could resign or just not show up for a while. I guess it would depend on how long you were planning on being away. If you needed leave for a medical reason, you could go to social status in which case you are not banned from entering the firehouse, you just cannot participate in firematic duties. You could also have the option of going on light duty for medical reasons which you still can respond to the station for calls to man the radio or do the paperwork. You wouldn't be able to respond to the scene or ride the apparatus. We are pretty accommodating (sp?) to our members.

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Our department has Medical leave and School leave. If your out on medical leave you can come into the firehouse anytime you want you just cant participate in anything. School leave you can come anytime and participate as long as you inform the chief you back from school.

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I know some departments have Military leave - so that the members of those departments that have requirements for members to remain active can come back active and not lose time, or be kicked out if they are deployed.

I don't think it was written anywhere, but the general thinking was that if you were on workers comp or medical leave that you should not be at the firehouse for a call as it could jeopardize your status.

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LOA for any reason is ok, but if the person comes back and does any sort of work, the LOA is automaitically invalidated and he must return to active duty and fulfill all requirements as before.

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Banned from entering the firehouse is absolutely ridiculous.

Nice sense of brotherhood that gives you, huh?


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Banned from entering the firehouse is absolutely ridiculous.

Nice sense of brotherhood that gives you, huh?


I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately the brotherhood is dying. Thanks for all the responses.

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A leave of absence is just that, you are leaving for a specific period of time at your own request. LOA is not the same as a medical leave, school leave or military leave. A LOA is where you are leaving the company and cannot partake in any function usually meaning you are nto going to show up and will be inactive. It just seems odd that you can't come to visit the firehouse.

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