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Members: Please Sign Our Online Cards!

2 posts in this topic


Regarding the online get well cards for the injured Yonkers firefighters, I hope more of the membership will put some more comments.

I can't tell you how many times family members have come on here, or people themsevles, or have recieved the thread that is printed and sent to them, and were very grateful, appreciative, and honored by the "online response". Some were even suprised that so many "online" people cared.

Many of these cards are for your fellow members of this forum, former members of this forum, or their family members. In a lot of cases, you know these people or have some sort of connection.

Please, take a moment, and sign the cards and show your support to your fellow members! You don't have to write anything fancy if you don't want, often a simple "Thoughts" or "My Condolences" or "Get Well Soon" will do. It only takes a second...just hit "Post Reply".

I'm just trying to build community spirit and goodwill towards fellow members via this forum, and the online cards have proven to be a very succesful and popular thing, and I don't want to see it go by the wayside.

Seth G.

Founder, EMTBravo

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