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Continental Village - Fall Victim/High-Angle Rescue 5/23/09

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Subject was stuck in traffic from a PIAA that we were operating at when "Nature Called."

Excellent Job by Peekskill’s Rope rescue team










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The 6th shot down is really cool. There is a lot going on but my favorite part is the silhouette of the state trooper with the glow of red lights behind him

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How far did he fall? What was the extent of his injuries?

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How far did he fall? What was the extent of his injuries?

He was found sitting at the base of what looked like a 25 foot vertical wall.

A couple of factors including the, 'altered mental status' call; effected assessment and presumably pain threshold. The full extent of his injuries was unclear at the time. (His face was bloodied up a bit)

He was standing, able to follow simple instructions and assist in getting himself into the sked.

News article attached indicates that he only suffered minor cuts to his head and face. (No word on the condition of the angel that had to be sitting on his shoulder)

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The 6th shot down is really cool. There is a lot going on but my favorite part is the silhouette of the state trooper with the glow of red lights behind him

I like the guy in front of the trooper with his sweats and slippers on pulling on the rope.

Edited by lad12derff

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Was it #1 or #2 calling.I bet you he had a #2 in his pants after the fall!!! LOL Why was Peekskill’s Rope rescue team called? What is a Rope Rope Rescue team? I know by the name what it is, but what do they do that a Rescue team(Truck) (Comp)can not do? Was it for manpower? Continental Village has a Rescue.(R-39).Iknow in rope rescue more hands the better.

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Was it #1 or #2 calling.I bet you he had a #2 in his pants after the fall!!! LOL Why was Peekskill’s Rope rescue team called? What is a Rope Rope Rescue team? I know by the name what it is, but what do they do that a Rescue team(Truck) (Comp)can not do? Was it for manpower? Continental Village has a Rescue.(R-39).Iknow in rope rescue more hands the better.

Less is more, actually. When I did t for the Parks, an ideal team was maximum of 7 well trained, and we got someone off the face of Breakneck with 4 people, once when we were racing sunset. Night rescues take more. You need one on the litter, maybe a second for packaging/stabilization, an edge person, someone on the haul system and depending on the mechanical advantage you've rigged for, three to haul. Any more is chaotic and gets dangerous. Key concept in vertical work is you rig your own lines with your own gear. There's not many people I'd trust to rig for me if the drop is over 50 feet. Brings back memories, though. That's high angle, of course, low angle is a different animal, as is cave rescue.

Many years ago Put Valley had the same 'nature call' off the overlook on the Taconic just south of Peekskill Hollow Road. Traffic had been tied up for over an hour, and a car of kids pulled over. In the darkness, one apparently mistook the tops of oaks as brush and hopped the wall. He was bumps and bruises; we just needed to direct him to a place we could get him back up. Good thing, too. We were laughing way too hard to have helped him.

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with his sweats and slippers on pulling on the rope.

actually they are Rock Rescue's new mountain climbing shoes... you can climb the highest peak, and your ready for a nap at the top...

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nice job good training

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