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West Nyack's Sub Station At The Palisades Mall

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What apparatus does West Nyack FD have at the Palisade Mall substation off Route 59?

I know RPS has a station there as well, but only Medic 23(?) responds from there.

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As for FD NO IDEA. But I am sure it is Medic 5. 23 is out of Ramapo.

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Years back I saw the then "new" tower ladder and an engine at that house. They still had the mack CF tower ladder, I remember thinking to myself they may have been running 2 trucks, but the mack went out of service since then.

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Not much of anything because of traffic around there on weekends. The last time I peeked in the bay doors all they had was old equipment, spare hose, the antique, the van 24-patrol and Im sure they have 24-1500 the Hahn because they decided to keep it as a third pumper. Other than that everything else is at ST.1 the big house.

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I know I was working Empress in Rockland when they were building the mall. Medic 5 was across the street, I believe they had a station in a motel room. At the time, the new firehouse was one of the conditions of building of the mall. I had heard many rumors about that station from the begining, and am still wondering, which is why I came here.

Did they have a second station on the property of the mall BEFORE the mall? I know before the mall was built, it was just swampy marshland and little league fields, with the exception of the frontage of Route 59, which had a Burger King and some other small businesses.

Surely someone on here must know the details...

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When that palisades mall was built the builder decided to build a firehouse for west nyack free of charge (wouldn't it be nice to have that kind of money) and west nyack did not want to put anything in there for fear of the heavy traffic that would be on the weekends. However they decided to use it as a big storage room (from what I could obsreve). When the woodbury commons started to get big they built us a little 2 bay fire house on there property but we declined it because they bought our first real ladder truck and they would have wanted us to keep it there.

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nice that they build a firehouse that can't be staffed due to traffic...kind of a false sense of security. Just shows you how screwed up the ISO ratings are. I'm sure they get a reduced ISO rating for having that fire house there.

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