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Yonkers FD on CNN Headline News

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Hey guys I didn't know where exactly to post this so I picked this forum. I was flipping through the channels apprx 23:45 hours sunday night when I caught CNN Headline News do a news report on Firefighters in the Northeast having problems with response times in the big cities. The report stated it was taking firefighters in the big cities 6min to respond to an alarm. The report said that the weather and beating firefighters have taken from working fires has caused the delay in response time. I think it also said the number of fires might be up. but while this report was being read CNN decided to show file footage from the Yonkers General Alarm last week. clearly stated "ABC news file footage Yonkers NY". This will make people believe that the Yonkers FD was delayed into that Box or that they did not respond on time. I am not sure this is true but it makes Yonkers look bad associtated with this type of news story. They didn't have to say Yonkers NY and could have still showed the footage. Plus if I am correct 1 person died in this fire. It did run 1145 at night. did anyone else catch this story?

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Did they mean delay as a first due response, or in general?

I think either way stories like this can be easily misunderstood. Someone can say there was a "delay" in a response and sure, there was... say when Yonkers called Greenville/New Rochelle... that's not exactly a 2 minute drive away.

Even from a vol. standpoint: there's a "delay" when say Bedford calls say Millwood for a tanker... that's not a 5 minute drive.

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I believe with first appartus to the scene is what they were reporting. Sorry if i didn't make that clear. I wrote that post right after i viewed the story so it was late.

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The response time to that job wasn't bad at all. Considering SOUTH Yonkers, all the traffic and nuts out there, they made pretty good timing IMO.

The Initial Call was received at: 18:49:22 HRS

Dispatched at: 18:50:20 HRS

First due Engine and Ladder (304, 74) On scene and starting to work was at: 18:54:31 HRS

Thats Not bad at all.

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That response time is pretty damn good if I must say. People have to understand that the fire department isn't gonna get there in the absolute second the building catches fire; there will be a bit of a delay due to traffic, road conditions, or even equipment issues that may come up with the responding piece of apparatus. But like DFFD227 said, considering that the call was in South Yonkers, a 5 minute ETA between the initial call and when the first due trucks arrived on scene is pretty damn good.

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thats right in line with the guidelines,

1 minute for call taking

1 minute for dispatch

4 minutes to arrive on scene.

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Just want to remind everybody.

So far this conversation is OK, however I did have to delete a post that strongly violated the rules and purpose of this forum, and I don't want to have to do that again. Most of the more experienced members of this board know all about this, and it seems that the new members and first timers are the ones who are making these types of posts, so I ask that the more experienced members try and guide these members away/ignore from these types of posts as they see them.

As a reminder, ANY departmental or personal attacks are not tolerated, and will be deleted. Positive and constructive discusion is strongly encouraged and is the main theme and point of this board. This board WILL NOT become a bash fest, period. When making a post, please keep the above in mind.

Additionally, no armchair quarterbacking....try and discuss the topic presented, and not try to disect a response time in which you may not have complete or accurate information about. This was quite a serious fire with many challenges, and people who feel the need to try and start trouble about this incident for no reason or basis, please try and refrain from that.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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That was just footage CNN used to run over the story. Don't read into it....

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Good points brought up in your posting and thanks for alerting us. Once again, the media causes public distortion in public safety stories. I am glad I actually didn't see this piece which sounds typical ofsimilair reporting from News (Schmooze) 12 and it daily stories poached from the newspapers.

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i see i have touched a sore spot when asking a question about yonkers fd , all i ask is the truth

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  Pudge3311 said:
thats right in line with the guidelines, 

1 minute for call taking

1 minute for dispatch

4 minutes to arrive on scene.

Sounds about right.

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