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West Haven - Water Search in LIS - 5/7/09

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Date: 5/7/09

Time: Approx 0820

Location: Long Island Sound - West Haven

Frequency: 453.800, Marine Emergency Channel

Units Operating: USCG, West Haven Car 19 (D/C), Engine 21, Truck 22, Marine 1, West Shore Car 30 (Chief), Engine 32, Marine Unit, Quint 33, New Haven Fire, Milford Fire Marine Unit, West Haven Police, AMR

Weather Conditions: Moderate fog

Description Of Incident: USCG requesting assistance to search the area for a missing canoe.


Writer: SageVigiles

0830: Both West Haven Marine 1 and West Shore Marine 1 are in the water. Car 30 is Incident Command.

0840: Reported canoe on the sandbar with no one nearby by West Haven Marine 1.

0843: Canoe empty, WHFD Marine 1 moving to rendezvous with a vessel that is nearby signaling to them.

0844: Coast Guard requesting that the canoe be brought in to verify its what they are looking for. Car 30 assigning West Shore Marine 1 to bring it in.

0849: Car 30 relocating to the Beach Street area.

0851: West Haven Marine 1 made contact with vessel flagging them down, one party from the canoe is on board, being brought back to shore. One (1) person still missing.

0853: Engine 21 Portable relaying for Marine 1, requesting Rescue 27 and AMR, both priority 2 to the boat ramp.

0854: Truck 22 at 200 Oak Street reporting that area clear, Engine 21 requesting they move to Kimberly Avenue marina area to walk shoreline.

0856: Command requesting West Shore Marine 1 to come to New Haven Harbor Jetty for orders.

As of 1030 they still haven't found the 2nd person, ALOT of marine units out there in the harbor looking though, hopefully when the fog clears out they will get a better view. I think its still a SAR operation, not a recovery at this point.

I'm gonna go try to take some pictures. I'll post more later if I get the chance.

Edited by SageVigiles

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