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Dutchess County 46.36

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Is it me or has the signal degraded on 46.360mhz? I'm noticing it on both receivers I have, and MaxTrac and Minitor 2.

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Not that I have noticed, but I have heard and I dont know how true it is, but this year thier sappossta get rid of that channel and just stay with 453.900. I could be wrong, but that is what I have been hearing. Also, they have been doing some tower work lately. I hope that helps a little.


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  TAPSJ said:
Not that I have noticed, but I have heard and I dont know how true it is, but this year thier sappossta get rid of that channel and just stay with 453.900. I could be wrong, but that is what I have been hearing. Also, they have been doing some tower work lately. I hope that helps a little.


Thanks for you reply Tom..Its just weird I remember the signal being stronger, and if they are getting rid of it doesn't make sense for them to waste money and fix it. I personally thing they should keep 46.36, but thats just me.

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I think they should. I get most of the Northern Dutchess Dispatches on that channel. The new simlacast might be getting improved.


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My pager is still on the low band 46.36 and has been working ok, the 46.36 is only off Clove tower, I get every dispatch made by the 911 center, it would be a real shame if it is bounced.

I also have a UHF pager/portable which does not work as well, we out here on the Eastern side of the county are still having issues with the pagers opening since the simo dispatch change and some members continue to miss calls. They have come out and tested a few times but we still have issues.

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I might have to realign the M2 that I have, cause some areas even out side I get complete static when they are dispatching.

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