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Ardsley -Multi-Alarm Fire - 4/30/09

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Time: 15:30 approx

Location: Approx. 2,000 feet south of Ardsley Road, northeast of Clubhouse Lane (gated development)

Frequency: Fire 14

Units Operating: Ardsley, Hastings E-45, Dobbs Ferry E-47, Tarrytown E-80, WCDES Car 2, Gator Task Force, , Westchester County PD Aviation (Air Recon), Numerous other units

Weather Conditions: Warm, Dry

Description Of Incident: Large Brush Fire

Reporters: Truck4 (O/S)

Writer: gpdexplorer

15:40: Tarrytown Eng 80 requested to Ardsley Firehouse Standby. Dobbs Ferry and Hastings engine to Boulder Ridge and Sprain Ridge.

15:45: Battalion 14 requested to landline for a response.

15:50: 2012 requesting ConEd representative, access needed to aqueduct area by transformer towers. Also asking for access from Jackson Ave.

15:53: Battalion 10 requested to landline for a response.

16:00: 2012 reporting approx 1000ft by 100ft uncontained in a remote area with difficult access, doubtful will hold. Hastings and Dobbs Ferry on scene assisting. Still attempting to gain access.

16:15: Fire is burning near the power lines, west of the southbound Sprain Parkway and south of Ardsley Road.

16:29: B-10 req. WC gators to the scene. Req'd to meet an Engine at the service road off Ardsley Road.

16:30: Tarrytown E-80 to the scene, Irvington Engine to cover. Ardsley L-50 responding.

16:32: Greenville E-150 responding to a brush fire off the northbound Sprain near MM 4, south of Ardsley Road.

17:00: Field Comm 1 responding. Westchester County PD Aviation requested for air recon.

17:06: Irvington E-178 relocate to pistol range.

17:07: Car 2 reporting Gator Task Force responding, Engine 165, Engine 178 to meet with Gator Task Force at pistol range.

17:08: Tarrytown Utility 61 responding, Car 2 requesting OEM to the scene.

17:12: Sleepy Hollow 2312, Eng 86 relocating.

17:20: Car 2 and Gator Task Force on scene.

17:27: Tarrytown 2461, Utility 61 on location. Car 2 reporting he has Ardsley Sector.

17:30: Aviation on scene, air recon.

18:08: Car 2 reports water supply has been established in Ardsley Sector. Tanker 12 can respond to command post.

18:10: Progress report from aviation, two lines stretched, one in operation on the southern fire line. Fire visible near the treeline.

18:14: 2382 and Tanker 12 on location.

18:15: MA-10 on location.

18:16: SSU-15 responding.

18:18: Car 2 reports main body of fire is knocked down on the north side, fire is contained. Mini Attack is in operation with gators shuttling water.

18:20: Progress report from aviation, two lines stretched and operating on the south fire line. One line and mini-attack operating on the north fire line.

18:25: Car 2 requests chain saws to the pistol range. Greenville SSU15 on scene.

18:30: Greenville E-150 to Ardsley Road, meet with SSU 15 for chain saws.

18:36: B10 reports situation is under control.

18:40: Aviation released from scene, ConEd requests that the power lines and right of way be checked from the fire scene to Millwood Substation. Aviation checking from Yonkers to Millwood.

19:00: Aviation checked from Sprain/Dunwoodie to Millwood, no sign of fire along the ConEd right of way.

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