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Bridgeport Discrimination case

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12 firefighters from the Bridgeport FD have filed a discrimination lawsuit for not being promoted.The city after learning that no minorities scored well enough sent the test results back to the company that wrote the test to be re-graded which in turn changed the original results of the top candidates. The article can be viewed in the local papers in Bridgeport as well as in fire Engineering Magazine.

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And the hits just keep on coming! Go get'em boys!

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Once the Supreme Court rules in the New Haven 20 case, whatever court it is in will probably use that as the precedent. Best of luck!

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"I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

Dear Dr King, I also have a dream. I have a dream that someday the white man will no longer be the minority nor will the black man. I have a dream that someday there will be no minorities and only equal men. I have a dream that I will not have to say to my son that we should just let it slide and not to make waves for the sake of political correctness. But every night I go to sleep and dream about this and I wake up to a nightmare. I wake up to being told that I am white and I do have to keep my mouth shut. I wake up every morning and realise that I was skipped over for promotion or better yet the test was thrown out because it was not racially diverse enough. I wake up to realise that all the hours I put in to study for the test and all the sacrifices that I put my family through so we could live a better life have been for naught. Dr King, I agree with you 100% with your dream. I do believe we were created equal. I do believe that we all have the same opportunities in this world. I do not think whites are smarter than blacks. We went to the same schools and had the same teachers. We were all given the same chance at life and we all want to make it in this world. I just want to wake up one morning and know that I will not have to fight city hall and the IAPBFF because I worked harder and studied harder than other candidates. I want to wake up one morning and go to work and not see a black firefighter or a white firefighter sitting across from me having coffee, but rather 2 brothers that I am willing to die for and will to make sure they will do the same for me. I want to go to work and leave my color at the door. I want to go to work as a firefighter DR king, Not a white firefighter. I have a dream......



Edited by lad12derff

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Well said Brother FF.! Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see those days around here, at least in this area of the Country. Especially with that knucklehead in the White House. OH I'm sorry did I say "White House"? I'm surprised that hasn't been changed yet by the Bleeding Hearts!

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Dear Dr King, I also have a dream. I have a dream that someday the white man will no longer be the minority nor will the black man. I have a dream that someday there will be no minorities and only equal men. I have a dream that I will not have to say to my son that we should just let it slide and not to make waves for the sake of political correctness. But every night I go to sleep and dream about this and I wake up to a nightmare. I wake up to being told that I am white and I do have to keep my mouth shut. I wake up every morning and realise that I was skipped over for promotion or better yet the test was thrown out because it was not racially diverse enough. I wake up to realise that all the hours I put in to study for the test and all the sacrifices that I put my family through so we could live a better life have been for naught. Dr King, I agree with you 100% with your dream. I do believe we were created equal. I do believe that we all have the same opportunities in this world. I do not think whites are smarter than blacks. We went to the same schools and had the same teachers. We were all given the same chance at life and we all want to make it in this world. I just want to wake up one morning and know that I will not have to fight city hall and the IAPBFF because I worked harder and studied harder than other candidates. I want to wake up one morning and go to work and not see a black firefighter or a white firefighter sitting across from me having coffee, but rather 2 brothers that I am willing to die for and will to make sure they will do the same for me. I want to go to work and leave my color at the door. I want to go to work as a firefighter DR king, Not a white firefighter. I have a dream......



Amen to that brother

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Once the Supreme Court rules in the New Haven 20 case, whatever court it is in will probably use that as the precedent. Best of luck!

Just an FYI - Bridgeport's case and New Haven's case are different due to the circumstances around the tests. However a ruling on either will have a great impact on future tests.

If yo go to look up the article on line. Also there should be a link on the IAFF or the website as well. I haven't checked yet.

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