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Newburgh (Orange)- 3rd Alarm w/Large Area Brush 4/26/09

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Time: 14:30

Location: 57 Saratoga Rd

Frequency: 46.16

Units Operating: Cronomer Valley, City of Newburgh, Good Will, Orange Lake, Winnona Lake, Coldenham, Marlboro, Plattikill and many others from Orange & Ulster Counties

Weather Conditions: Sunny Warm 88

Description Of Incident: 3rd alarm structure fire & 3rd alarm Brush Fire


14:30 Cronomer Valley dispatched to a structure fire

14:31 Cmd req a 2nd alarm with all 2nd alarm equipment to the scene

14:33 Cmd Req 3rd alarm

14:36 cmd rpts structure fire has spread to the woods behind the house

14:45 Cmr rpts brush fire moving fast req brush trucks to the scene

14:52 Cmd req 2nd alarm brush fire 2+ acres moving fast

15:00 Cmd rpts structure fire under control still fighting the brush fire

15:02 EMS cmd req Mobil Life SORT team to the scene. Rpts multiple fire fighters suffering from heat exaustion

15:08 Cmd req 3rd alarm brush fire

15:25 Field crews rpt progress being made

Edited by Truck4

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