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Clifton, NJ Firefighters Go Back To Work

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Firefighters regain jobsThursday, April 23, 2009

Last updated: Thursday April 23, 2009, 12:43 PMBY JAMES YOONorthJersey.comSTAFF WRITERCLIFTON — A dozen laid-off firefighters will return to work and a shuttered firehouse will reopen after the City Council approved a contract with the firefighters union Wednesday night.

The move elated several of the 12 firefighters who had lost their jobs, including Charles Stauch, 25.

Stauch had not expected to be back in this position.

"I tried finding other jobs," he said before a Wednesday meeting. "I didn’t think this was going to happen." He said he had applied for five emergency dispatcher positions but got no positive responses.

The council voted 6-0 Wednesday night to introduce an ordinance that will restore the ranks of the Fire Department to 140.

The governing body also agreed to changes to the collective bargaining agreement with the Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent Association, Local 21, earlier this week. The union agreed to those changes earlier this week.

The ordinance to change the department’s table of organization will require another reading, scheduled for May 5, and a five- to 10-day waiting period before it goes into effect. The waiting period is required by state statute, City Manager Al Greco said.

The contract calls for the city to deduct 42 hours of pretax pay in May and again in October. In return, the city has guaranteed no layoffs for 12 months from the time the agreement takes effect. Greco had said the city will save about $600,000 from the salary concessions and money saved on salary during the time the 12 firefighters were laid off. A deputy chief and two lieutenants will also be restored as part of the changes, Greco said.

The city had asked employees to accept a salary freeze at 2008 levels during 2009. Negotiations with the unions for other municipal employees are continuing.

Forty-one people, including the dozen firemen, were laid off and several positions were also eliminated.

The city enacted a layoff plan in March after negotiations with unions representing municipal employees failed to stave off the job cuts. The city said it had to reduce the municipal workforce because of rising costs. As of March, expenses were about $8 million higher than the 2008 municipal tax levy. The increased costs were attributed to rising insurance costs, major medical coverage, pension payments and contractual salary increases, city officials have said.

More employees were originally slated to lose their jobs. But jobs were saved as the city cobbled together funding from federal money, sponsorships and seasonal budgets. Retirements also saved the positions of five employees, including four firefighters.

Greco added that the city has agreed to make all appropriate promotions.

As they voted yes at the council meeting, Councilman Joseph Cupoli said "Welcome back" to the firemen in the audience and Councilman Steven Hatala Jr. said it was great both sides could work together for the public good.

Several laid-off firefighters expressed relief Wednesday.

"It’s been a long six weeks. I’m very thankful. I pray this never happens again," Billy Lauritano, 37, said by phone.

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Some good news for a great bunch of guys. Stay safe

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Clifton Station 2 re-opened today at 0800 hrs. Welcome back Brothers!!!




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