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Teaneck, NJ Firefighters Fear Layoffs

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Firefighters fear layoffs in TeaneckWednesday, April 15, 2009

Last updated: Wednesday April 15, 2009, 6:51 AMBY JOSEPH AXNorthJersey.comSTAFF WRITER

TEANECK — The Fire Department is facing the possible elimination of 10 to 15 firefighters and a slew of demotions, Chief Robert Montgomery said Tuesday, as the town struggles to balance its budget.

Other departments could also see staff reductions, though specific numbers have not been publicly discussed. But it appears that the Fire Department may be in line for the most severe cuts.

The town's interim manager, Greg Fehrenbach, submitted a preliminary layoff plan last week to the state Civil Service Commission, which must approve any demotions or layoffs.

Details of the plan have remained under wraps. Fehrenbach, who is on vacation this week, said on Friday he would not comment because the plan is still part of negotiations with the town's unions.

Neither the commission nor the town has granted requests from The Record filed this week under the Open Public Records Act for copies of the proposal.

A spokeswoman for the commission acknowledged that the plan is being reviewed.

Communication between the interim manager, the unions and the council has not been ideal, officials acknowledged.

Council members, including Mayor Kevie Feit, said they were not given a copy of the plan, though Fehrenbach has periodically updated them on potential options for closing a budget gap of more than $1 million to get the town's tax levy increase under the state-mandated maximum of 4 percent.

Feit said the gap now stands at approximately $600,000 after officials were able to find some additional savings in recent weeks.

The mayor and other officials emphasized that the plan represents the worst-case scenario, since the town may not add any positions to the list once it is approved.

The town may, however, choose to lay off or demote fewer workers.

"As far as I'm concerned, we're still negotiating," Feit said. Options still under consideration include furloughs and other worker givebacks.

But the two unions representing the firefighters and superior officers are pushing back, filling the council chambers at meetings and complaining that the lines of communication have been poor.

"There's going to be a lot of fire loss, a lot of injuries. There may even be some deaths due to this," declared Glen Smith, president of the firefighters' union.

Smith said his union has offered to replace all overtime with compensatory time this year, which he estimated at a $430,000 savings, and discuss giving up a salary raise in 2009 as part of a new contract.

The police and the firefighters are currently working without contracts.


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The Civil Service Commission has approved the Township of Teaneck's lay off plan to Demote...

6 Deputies to Captain,

5 Captains to Lieutenant,

6 Lieutenants to Firefighters and

Lay off 11 Firefighters effective June 21st.

I will keep updating when rallies and support meetings are scheduled.

Please help support OUR BROTHERS!!!

I will be updating my Blog too at

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Teaneck approves layoff planThursday, May 7, 2009

Last updated: Thursday May 7, 2009, 7:03 AMBY JOSEPH AXNorthJersey.comSTAFF WRITER

TEANECK — Forty-seven employees — including 28 in the Fire Department — will receive letters today or Friday informing them that they might be laid off or demoted on June 25.

But town officials say they still hope to resolve the budgetary crisis without resorting to layoffs.

The town's layoff plan was approved by the state Civil Service Commission on Wednesday. As a civil service town, Teaneck was required to submit a plan and a list of affected employees to the state.

State law calls for any civil service employee that could be demoted or fired to receive a letter of notice at least 45 days beforehand.

Here's the rest of today's article:

Edited by Rescue16

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