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EMTBravo-Donations Needed To Stay Online

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As the economy worsens, we are losing advertisers, and have had to significantly lower our rates to keep some advertisers or attract new ones. Also, donations from members have begun to slow to a trickle. I have absolutely no money to draw from personally to put into the site this month, since I am currently out of work. This site DOES NOT EVER make a profit. I know I've reached out numerous times over the past two years for financial aid, and I wish I could pay for this site completly myself, like I did up until January of 2007.

I had just enough money to barely scrape by this month, until my desk chair broke yesterday. I spend hours in my chair, at the computer working on this site. I would have paid personally for this chair, but I couldn't and used $100 in EMTBravo funds. Since I need a chair, and one that is supportive of my back to run the site, if I didn't have a chair to sit in this site would have been in trouble and I really had no choice. So that was the big setback. As soon as I'm working again, that money gets paid back into the EMTBravo account.

The bill for the server is due next week, and we need funds to make up the deficit that currently exists so we can pay our bill and stay online. Any donations, any amount, would be greatly appreciated.

To donate, click on the link below:

-Seth G.

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Much thanks to ALL the members for their overwhelming is VERY much appreciated right now and will help me pay the bills for the site for the next few months.

It takes a big weight off my shoulders to not have to worry about scraping up enough cash to pay the server and other also shows how many people appreciate this site and fuels me to continue working away at it.

Thanks again to all the members for your donations!

-Seth G.

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