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At Least 12 Killed, 41 Taken Hostage In Binghamton 4-3-09

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Deaths now reported at 14, including gunman. 4 in critical condition. They are reporting that the gunman was 42 y/o who recently was laid off from IBM. Mayor and Police Chief are not releasing any names or much of any info pending ID.

This is my hometown and I still have a lot of family and friends there. My prayers to the people there.

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condolences to the families of the victims may the injuried heal quickly

Edited by JHK3605

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Interesting twist on the nightmare...

Taliban Leader Claims Responsibility for New York Shooting

World | April 4, 2009, Saturday

Pakistani Taliban leader, Baituallah Mehsud, has stated he had ordered Friday's death rampage in the city of Binghamton, New York State.

"I accept responsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to US attacks," Mehsud has stated by telephone from an undisclosed location, BGNES reported.

Probably just terrorist rhetoric but it's disturbing that he's hearing about it so quickly in a cave in Pakistan and even more alarming that he's being given the media platform to say it!

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My girlfriend's younger sister goes to school up there, and her apartment overlooked the scene. Said it was quite the spectacle.

My brother also attends school there, and this took place 4 blocks from him, but lucky he was visiting UCLA, touring for grad school.

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My brother's office is only a few blocks from there. He said they went up to the 17th floor and were watching the scene for a while. This was only a few blocks from the high school and a nursing home. They were both put on lock down but thankfully the coward took his own life before it got totally out of control. It could've been much worse.

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