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An Apology On The Pension Issue From x635

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I'd like to apologize to all the members who I offended or angered by my views on the NYS Pension system.

I didn't express myself correctly. Firefighters deserve and earn their pensions. The only reason I brought Hartsdale into the discussion was because it was mentioned specifically in the article, and that's where I have my knowledge of the pension system to base my opinion on.

I have a total of 6 years in the NYS Pension system, and am experiencing great difficulty in rolling my pension that I supposedly "earned" into a 401K plan. My first three years, with Westchester County, I had no problem with. However, my three years with Hartsdale seems to be "frozen" and the State is investigating, but they are so short handed it is taking forever. I am frustrated with the state and the department I used to work for, but I should know better then to get involved with it on this forum.

I believe that the pension system is part of the compensation package for firefighters. However, it needs better management so that it is "economy proof". Tax money does pay for our pensions, after all- and a lot of it depends on the stock market and investments. In retrospect, I do understand why "senior guys" take steps to insure a secure retirement. As long as departments allow that, then that is fine. I stand by some of my opinions, including the fact that not everyone should have to have a civil service job in order to have a secure future.

I hope those who were angered at me understand. For those who wondered what happened to the original thread, I caused it to go out of control and off topic, so I consulted with a staff member who agreed it should be removed. I was also recieving some viscious emails because of that thread. Many people have misconceptions of me and what happened to me, and it really bothers me that some people believe some of these rumors....but I digress. I guess it was the way I expressed my opinion, not my opinion itself.

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I would like to comment on one opinion you have towards a statement I made. I never once said that a person is only entitled to a secure future if they choose civil service. I did say that I chose this path for the security of the system and to know my family is taken care of. I also never once complained when I saw all my friends making $300000.00 plus dollars on wall street for the last 6 years while I was only getting a 3 % raise a year. I chose my path and I am very proud of the path I chose. I will say I am sick and tired of the "unions" being in the spot light now and being blamed for no give backs or of all the money we are making. The unions did not create nor did civil service all the problems this country is having. Maybe someday those who created this mess will "MANUP" and take responsibility for what they have done.

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lad12der12FF, I misunderstood but I now see and agree with you point.

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I would like to comment on one opinion you have towards a statement I made. I never once said that a person is only entitled to a secure future if they choose civil service. I did say that I chose this path for the security of the system and to know my family is taken care of. I also never once complained when I saw all my friends making $300000.00 plus dollars on wall street for the last 6 years while I was only getting a 3 % raise a year. I chose my path and I am very proud of the path I chose. I will say I am sick and tired of the "unions" being in the spot light now and being blamed for no give backs or of all the money we are making. The unions did not create nor did civil service all the problems this country is having. Maybe someday those who created this mess will "MANUP" and take responsibility for what they have done.

-AMEN, Lad12 !!!

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