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City of Poughkeepsie (Shooting) 03-15-09

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Time:0353 hrs

Location: 411 Main St

Units Operating: City PD Engine-2 Alamo Medic 6

Description Of Incident:

0353hrs - City 911 Dispatches E-2 and Alamo for a shooting victim I/F/O The Congress 411 Main St City PD on the scene

0355hrs - Alamo Medic 6 Responding

0356hrs - E-2 Responding

0356hrs - Medic 6 on scene

0357hrs- E-2 on scene

0402hrs- E-2 reports Alamo txp back in service

0411hrs- Alamo Medic 6 txp 1 pt ALS to Saints

0419hrs-Medic 6 arriving Saints Back in Service

This is the second trauma incident in the last week at this location. In the early hours of 3/7/09 on or around 0300 1 male victim was thrown thru a plate glass window next door to the Congress Bar. It appears this location has now become a hot spot. :blink:

Writer: FFD941, RNMedic08

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