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Police or not Police? DEP says not - this time! Injured officers receive no city benefits!

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If you're a DEP police officer and get injured in the line of duty - responding to a call for shots fired or chasing trespassers in these cases - the city says don't worry, workers compensation will take care of you, eventually. Twice in the past year, injured police officers have been force to use accrued vacation time while out injured and if/when workers compensation kicks in, they'll only get a portion of their pay. Their job title says police officer, they attend the police academy, and they risk their lives doing their job but to the city they're not cops - this time. Read about this disgusting treatment of our brothers and sisters of the DEP PD.

Same story a year ago involving another injured officer:

Adding insult to injury, the Mayor of the City of New York traditionally visits seriously injured police officers and firefighters in the hospital. Has Mayor Bloomberg visited this DEP police officer - nope, not yet. What a disgrace!

Just a few years ago, the City fought in the Court of Appeals to win recognition of the DEP officers as "full police officers" confirming that they have the authority to conduct enforcement action in the watershed area - an area comprising almost 2000 square miles. So, they have the authority to do the job but not to receive the benefits (or pay for that matter) of any other police officer.

NYC Examination Notice for "Environmental Police Officer"

That's funny, the above announcement describes a job that very similar to the description for a NYC Police Officer. Hmmmmm.....

If EMTBravo had a hall of shame, I'd be nominating Mayor Bloomberg and the NYC DEP. Simply a horrible situation and disgusting treatment of their employees.

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TYpical of Mayor Bloomburg, and the city. they want the $$$ their enforcement brings in, but when it comes time to pay , sorry 'we just don't have the money'. Typical douchebag comitting douchebaggery. I think its time the brothers and sisteers in the DEP take a hard look at this decision, and remember it the next time the have to take enforcement. Maybe call for another agency to handle it.

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I would like to know if the DEP PBA has 207a or 207c policy in the contract and how the hightened risk clause is spelled out.

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Typical douchebag comitting douchebaggery.

I couldnt have said it better myself.

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I would like to know if the DEP PBA has 207a or 207c policy in the contract and how the hightened risk clause is spelled out.

From what I've been told, they do not have 207a or c and their default "protection" is workers compensation.

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From what I've been told, they do not have 207a or c and their default "protection" is workers compensation.

I think its time to modify the rules so they have coverage under 207a & 207c. It makes no sense to treat them different other police agencies. It might not help those two police officers in question, but at least others down the road who are injured on the job.

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