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Stamford: Tower Ladder 1?

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Any updates on plans to replace Stamford's TL-1? I lost track.

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Any updates on plans to replace Stamford's TL-1? I lost track.

x635 - The 1996 Sutphen that ran as Truck/Tower 1 was relocated to the South End Station over a year ago. The Sutphen was reassigned to Truck 2 and Truck 2's new HME 109' RMA was reassigned to Truck 1 at Fire HQ.

The Sutphen tower is up for replacement soon, but may be delayed due to the economic climate.

Truck 3 is still using their 2001 Sutphen MMA.

Truck 4 is the reserve truck and is a 1999 Sutphen 75' MMA/Quint.

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Thanks for the info and update!

I don't think HME Ahrens Fox makes a tower yet, so it will be interesting to see who the contenders may be. Too bad it has to be a TL, because I'd love to see a tiller running the streets of Stamford again!

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Thanks for the info and update!

Too bad it has to be a TL, because I'd love to see a tiller running the streets of Stamford again!

You and me both!

Edited by x152

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