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Manhattan - 3rd alarm - 2/25/09

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Date: 2/25/09

Time: 18:00 hours

Location: 155 E33 st between 3rd and Lexington Aves

Frequency: 154.250 (FDNY Manhattan)

Weather Conditions: clear

Description Of Incident: Heavy fire in a laundromat with extension to exposure 4 and partial floor collapse

Writer: ryang

Additional Info:

Murray Hill, Manhattan, NY, 2/25/09

Address: 155 E33 st between 3rd and Lexington Aves

18:01 hours

Phone Box 702 - Multiple calls reporting smoke from a building

Engs. 16, 21, 1, 65

TL7, L24

Battalion 6

Rescue 1

Squad 18

CIDs for 155 E33 st:

Rehabbed MD 4 story 20x60 class 3. Laundry machines on the 1st floor. No rear fire escape. Hallways are sprinklered. 2 apartments per floor. Apartment 4F has a Collyer's Mansion condition. Rear setback on the 3rd floor

10-75-702 - 18:03 hours

L2 is the FAST Truck

Battalion 7

Division 1

7-5-702 - 18:09 hours

Battalion 6: We have a fire in the 1st floor laundromat, your address at 155 E33 st. It's a 25x50 class 3. We have 1 line stretched, 1 in operation, fire is doubtful, we're using All-Hands.


Exposures are:

1 - street

2 - similar attached

3 - unknown

4 - similar attached

18:10 hours

E26, TL12 S/C

18:22 hours

E40 is 10-8 in E21's response area

L5 is 10-8 in L24's response area

2-2-702 - 18:25 hours

Division 1: Give us a 2nd alarm, we have heavy fire in the rear and extension to exposure 4

Engs. 14, 8, 3

E9 w/ Satellite 1


Battalion 8 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 9 (Resource Unit Leader)

Rescue, Safety Battalions

Tactical Support 1

FieldCom, Command Tactical Unit

18:29 hours

The Staging area is E34 st and Lexington Ave

18:30 hours

L26 is 10-8 in L2's response area

18:32 hours

Car 11 (DC? Seelig, Chief of Special Operations Command) is responding

18:33 hours

E53 is relocating to E8

18:36 hours

E76 is 10-8 in E26's response area

19:39 hours - Duration 40 minutes

DC1: We have 4 lines stretched, 2 in operation in the store, 1 to the floor above. Main body of fire has been knocked down, primaries on the fire floor and floor above are negative, fire is Doubtful at this time.

18:40 hours

E258 is relocating to E14

18:42 hours

Battalion 45 is relocating to Battalion 9

18:42 hours

E10 is 10-8 in E1's response area

18:45 hours

L3, TL18 acting 7 S/C

18:47 hours

Battalion 12 is 10-8 in Battalion 8's response area.

E33 is 10-8 in E3's response area.

18:48 hours

DC1: Have ConEd Gas come to this box.

18:49 hours

ConEd Gas has a 7 minute ETA.

18:52 hours

L25 is 10-8 in L4's response area

18:54 hours - Duration 56 minutes

FieldCom: Progress report for your 2nd alarm Box 702, the address 155 E33 st off Lexington Ave, fire in a 4 story mixed-occupancy. At this time, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: Primary searches are complete and negative, fire is still Doubtful Will Hold.

19:08 hours - Duration 1 hour 9 minutes

FC: Progress report for your 2nd alarm Box 702, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: We have a partial collapse of the 1st floor rear. All members have been removed from the main fire building. We're in the process of conducting roll call. Also in process of setting up operations from the exposures to hit the fire from the side. Still Doubtful.

19:18 hours

TL13 is 10-8 in TL7's response area.

19:24 hours- Duration 1 hours 26 minutes

FC: Progress report for your 2nd alarm Box 702, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: At this time the roll call has been completed, all members have been accounted for. Request 2 additional trucks, any type, for firefighting, and fire is Doubtful Will Hold.

TL9, L20 S/C

3-3-702 - 19:26 hours

FC: By orders of Car 11, Cheif Seelig, transmit a 3rd alarm. Also have 2 additional trucks respond above the two we just called. He also reports: We are doing exterior operations, trying to set up handlines in the rear of the building, operating on the setbacks.

Engs. 5, 54, 28, 24

L16, L6

Battalion 2

Battalion 12 acting 8 (Staging Manager)

Battalion 33 (Air Recon Chief)

Mask Service Unit

19:28 hours

FC: TL9, L20 are to report to the command post, all other units to report to the staging area.

19:32 hours

FC: Have Battalion 2 report to the exposure 3 side of the building. (E34 st)

19:36 hours

Car 1C (Commissioner's Liaison) is responding

19:37 hours

Car 12A (Executive Officer - Safety and Inspectional Services) is responding

19:41 hours

TL146 is relocating to TL9

19:45 hours

E230 is relocating to E5

19:47 hours

Battalion 37 is 10-8 in Battalion 6's response area.

19:50 hours

Battalion 49 is relocating to Battalion 7

19:54 hours - Duration 1 hour 56 minutes

FC: Progress report for Box 702, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: At this time there are no members in the fire building. Fire is contained in the rear setback area. We have 3 line stretched and operating from exposure 4 to the setback, 2 lines stretched and operating from exposure 3 into the setback, and 1 line stretched and operating from exposure 2 into the setback. At this time members in the front are removing the windows from the original fire building. We have 1 tower ladder set up in front of fire building as a precaution if the fire enters back into original fire building, and fire is Still Doubtful.

19:55 hours

Battalion 33 is airborne with an 8 minute ETA.

19:55 hours

FC: Advise Battalion 33 when he gets close to switch to handy-talky channel 2, the command channel.

19:56 hours

L102 is 10-8 in L6's response area

20:00 hours

TL163 is relocating to TL18

E221 is relocating to E33

20:03 hours

Battalion 52 is 10-8 in Battalion 8's response area

20:34 hours

Battalion 12 acting 8 is 10-8

20:36 hours - Duration 2 hours 38 minutes

FC: Progress report for 3rd alarm Box 702, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: Fire has been contained to the 1 story setback in the rear of the building. The Tower Ladder on exposure 1 was operated, knocking down additional pockets of fire. We have 2 handlines operating from exposure 3, 2 handlines operating from exposure 4 extinguishing pockets of fire. This will be an extended operation. The secondary searches on the 3rd and 4th floors are complete and negative. Secondary searches in the basement, 1st floor, and 2nd floor will be conducted from the exterior due to the condition of the building, fire is now Probably Will Hold.

20:38 hours

E9/Satellite 1 are 10-8.

20:43 hours

FC: At this time we have an electrical panel in the basement that has just lit up, we need ConEd to respond. They had a crew here, we couldn't find them, we need them to get in contact with the command post.

20:47 hours

FC: We need an ETA for ConEd, we now have a manhole in the street pushing. Car 11 requests them forthwith.

20:48 hours

ConEd reports a 15 minutes ETA.

20:50 hours

L6 is 10-8, L102 can return from relocation.

20:52 hours

L2 is 10-8, L26 can return from relocation.

20:09 hours

Tactical Support 1 is 10-8 back to Citywide.

21:24 hours - Duration 3 hours 26 minutes

FC: Final progress report for your 3rd alarm Box 702, Car 11, Chief Seelig reports: the fire is now Under Control. On the Under Control he would like you to assign 2 engine companies, 1 tower ladder, and 1 battalion chief to respond for a watch line, have the units report to the command post.

Engs 55, 7, TL23, Battalion 1 S/C

21:41 hours

FC: At this time transmit 2 10-45 code 4s (Green Tag, Minor).

Edited by ryang

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