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Somers getting a new engine?

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Today's J-N has legals for Somers Fire District accepting bids for a new Engine and for enlarging the apparatus bay doors at the Somers house. Is this related to the new Quint (L-48) or are they replacing something else?

The last I heard was when they got L-48 then E-181(Seagrave) would go to Amawalk and E-188 (Pierce) would becone the spare/reserve engine. E-186 (Oren/Pierce) would be surplused.

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Last I had heard, (2004), the new Ladder was slated for the Somers house due to Heritage Hills being in their district.

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  x635 said:
Last I had heard, (2004), the new Ladder was slated for the Somers house due to Heritage Hills being in their district.

That would explain the bay door project.

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