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Manhattan - 5th Alarm - 2/24/09

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Date: 2/24/09

Time: 03:47 hours

Location: 22 James St x St. James Place

Frequency: 154.250 (FDNY Manhattan)

Weather Conditions: Windy and Below Freezing

Description Of Incident: Fire in a 6 story OMD extended throughout the building and through the roof and multiple civilian injuries.

Writer: ryang

Additional Info:

Two Bridges/Chinatown, Manhattan, NY, 2/24/09

Address: 22 James St between Madison St and St. James Place

Phone Box 132 - Report of fire in a MD

Engs. 9, 6, 7

L6, TL1

Battalion 1

10-75-132 - 03:54 hours

E9: 10-75 the box, we believe we have fire on the 2nd floor, we have people on the fire escapes!


L8 is the FAST Truck

Battalion 4

Rescue 1

Squad 18

Division 1

03:57 hours

E10, L10 S/C

7-5-132 - 03:58 hours - Duration 10 minutes

Battalion 1: We have fire possibly on the 4th floor and 3rd floor at this time. We have multiple people coming down the fire escape. 25x75, 6 story building, using All-Hands.


Fire Building Height/Size-up:

6 story 25x75 OMD

Exposures are:

1 - street

2 - 5-story building

3 - yard

4 - 5-story building

03:58 hours

Receiving report of person trapped on the rear balcony

04:06 hours - Duration 20 minutes

Division 1: We have 2 lines stretched, fire is Doubtful, we have a 10-45.

04:06 hours

Receiving an alarm activation in apartment 8.

2-2-132 - 04:08 hours

DC1: Transmit a second alarm, we have numerous 10-45s!

Engs. 15, 4, 28

E24 w/ Satellite 1


Battalion 2 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 31 (Resource Unit Leader)

Rescue, Safety Battalions

Tactical Support 1

FieldCom, Command Tactical Unit

04:09 hours - Duration 23 minutes

DC1: We have fire on the 2nd floor, still trying to determine the number of 10-45s.

04:10 hours

DC1: At this time, confirming 2 10-45s.

04:11 hours

DC1: We now have 3 10-45s.

04:21 hours

Car 9 (DAC John Sudnik, Queens Borough Commander) is responding.

04:21 hours - Duration 33 minutes

DC1: We've got another 10-45 this box, total of 4.

04:22 hours

Battalion 48 is relocating to Battalion 2

04:24 hours

DC1: At the 2nd alarm we have a 3rd line in operation, k.

04:25 hours

DC1: At the 2nd alarm we need 2 additional trucks.

TL15, TL18 S/C

04:26 hours - Duration 38 minutes

04:29 hours - Duration 41 minutes

The staging area is Chambers St and St. James Place

04:32 hours

E226 is relocating to E4

3-3-132 - 04:33 hours

Engs. 33, 205, 224, 14

Battalion 6

Battalion 7 (Staging Manager)

Battalion 58 (Air Recon Chief)

Mask Service Unit 1

04:34 hours

FC: Have all the chiefs on the 3rd alarm report directly to the command post, and have the 1st due engine and truck respond directly to the command post.

04:39 hours - Duration 49 minutes

FC: Advise the staging chief when they arrive on scene to contact FieldCom on handy-talky channel 5. Also progress report for Manhattan 3rd alarm Box 132, at this time Car 9, DAC Sudnik reports: Heavy fire in the shaft in the rear of the fire building. Primary searches are still underway, and the fire is still Doubtful.

04:40 hours

L110 is 10-8 in L20's response area

04:42 hours

The staging area has been changed to Madison St and Catherine St.

04:45 hours

TL13 is 10-8 in TL18's response area

04:48 hours

Car 1B (Commissioner's Liaison) and Car 36B (Department Chaplain) are responding

04:50 hours

FC: Can you try to raise E205 and advise them to also report directly to the command post.

04:50 hours

Manhattan unable to raise E205.

04:53 hours

Car 11A (Chief of Rescue Operations) is responding

05:05 hours

FC requests a mixer-off message

05:07 hours

Battalion 58: Air recon is going to be grounded due to the wind conditions, PD Aviation will not be flying today.

Battalion 58 is 10-8 back to Brooklyn

05:09 hours - Duration 1 hour 21 minutes

FC: Progress report for Manhattan 3rd alarm box 132, at this time DAC Sudnik, Car 9, reports: There is a total of 9 10-45s: 3 10-45 code 2s (Red Tag, Immediate) and 6 10-45 no codes, total. The fire is darkening down, primary searches delayed due to heavy fire condition, and the fire is Doubtful.

05:24 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional truck companies. Have them report in to the staging area for now.

L11, TL9 S/C

05:33 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional battalion chiefs.

Battalions 35, 10 acting 6 S/C

05:35 hours

FC: Have them report directly to the command post.

4-4-132 - 05:36 hours

FC: At Box 132, DAC Sudnik, Car 9 reports we have fire on the 5th and 6th floors, transmit the 4th alarm.

Engs. 53 acting 5, 3, 16, 65

E262 w/ IMT Unit

Battalion 45 (Planning Sections Chief)

Car 12 (Acting BC Stephen Raynis, Chief of Safety and Inspectional Services)

05:52 hours

E58 is 10-8 in E65's response area

06:00 hours - Duration 2 hours 12 minutes

FC: Progress report for 4th alarm Box 132, Car 9 reports: Fire on floors 4, 5, and 6. Handlines moving in through the interior and fire escape. Searches in progress and fire is Doubtful.

06:00 hours

Car 12C (OSHA Duty Car) is 10-84

06:13 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional ladder companies.

L5, L108 acting 3 S/C

06:28 hours - Duration 2 hours 40 minutes

FC: Progress report on 4th alarm Box 132, DAC Sudnik, Car 9 reports: Fire on the 4th floor is darkening down. We have fire on the 6th floor and through the roof. 2 lines stretched into exposure 2 to prevent extension, and fire is Doubtful.

06:31 hours

Battalion 42 is 10-8 in Battalion 4's response area.

06:33 hours

L101 is relocating to L6

06:34 hours - Duration 2 hours 46 minutes

FC: At 4th alarm Box 132, DAC Sudnik, Car 9 reports: There is now a total of 20 10-45s: 5 code 2s, 15 codes 3s (Yellow Tag, Delayed).

06:47 hours - Duration 3 hours

FC: Progress report for 4th alarm Box 132, At this time: main body of fire has been knocked down on the 4th and 5th floors. Still have heavy fire on the exposure 2 side of the 6th floor. Making good progress with handlines. There is no extension into exposure 2, and searches throughout exposure 2 are negative. Fire remains Doubtful.

07:01 hours

Car 4 (Chief of Fire Operations Patrick McNally) is 10-84

07:21 hours

E279 is 10-8 in E28's response area

07:34 hours

Car 23 (Public Information, Executive Officer) is responding

07:40 hours

IMT Unit: The planning chief requests the original time out of this incident.

Original time out was 3:47 hours

07:41 hours - Duration 3 hours 53 minutes

FC: Progress report for 4th alarm Box 132, at this time Car 4, Chief of Operations McNally places this fire Probably Will Hold.

07:48 hours

FC: Request Buildings to respond to Box 132 to check the stability of the building.

07:49 hours

Buildings Dept reports a representative on-scene.

07:50 hours

Car 11A is 10-8 back to Citywide.

08:33 hours

Battalion 10 acting 6 and E14 are 10-8.

08:46 hours - Duration 5 hours and 2 minutes

FC: At 4th alarm Box 132, at this time Car 4, Chief of Operations McNally places this fire Under Control.

5-5-132 - 09:05 hours

FC: At Box 132, transmit a 5th alarm with 4 engines, 2 trucks, and a Battalion Chief to respond for relief purposes.

09:44 hours

FC: Box 132, primary searches on the top floor are complete and negative with the exception of the collapsed area.

10:20 hours

DC1: At the 5th alarm, primaries and secondaries throughout are complete and negative except in the collapse zones. We had a partial collapse of the roof onto the 6th floor, and partial collapse of the 3rd floor onto the 2nd.

10:24 hours

DC1: At the 5th alarm, we also had collapse of the 6th floor onto the 5th floor in the rear.

Edited by ryang

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